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Light continues to argue with his father. "Dad! Why can't you believe me?! I'm your own son! You have to believe me!"

"Son, as much as I want to believe you. I'm not sure anymore! The evidence with Raye Penber especially! You were the one on that bus with him and soon after that he dies in the subway train!" Soichiro scolded back.

Suddenly, Soichiro falls to the ground. Causing alarm for the others in the room.

Light widened his eyes.
Rem observed as that is when it realized.

'Oh Light.. you are a disgusting human. You have killed me too. This is what Misa really wants. She wants you to be happy. And I did as she wishes. I have sinned for my own species. Such a disaster. '

Rem began to disappear into grains of sand. The shinigami has died.

"DAD?!" Light exclaimed in a panic. He rushed over. His father is having a heart attack! Right in front of him.

Tears began to fill into Lights eyes. He didn't expect himself to cry.  Not at all. Maybe it was an act? He wasn't sure. He knows his plan is going smoothly. But..

Why is he crying?

L just sat there. Observing Lights reaction with a emotionless gaze. Seeing how Light is genuinely bawling and holding his deceased father.

"KIRA DID THIS! HE KILLED MY FATHER! HES GONNA KILL ONE OF US NEXT! HES GONNA KILL ALL OF US!" Light screamed as he looked down at his father. Tears streaming down his face.

Soichiro is just staring now with wide helpless eyes. Slowly they closed. Signifying his death in pure silence now.

Light is crying softly. Tucking his face into his father's chest. His body heaving up and down.

L finally speaks up. "Aizawa, please get Soichiro out of here. This is traumatic. Unfortunately we have lost the chief. That means Kira has to be around. He needs a name and face. Doesn't he?" He says as he turned around in his chair.

Aizawa quickly went over to where Light was bawling. Alongside with Matsuda, helping to remove the body of Lights father out of the room.

Light looked at L. Tears staining his face. "My own father is dead!" He screamed out. "we have to find Kira! We have to!"

"Indeed we do, Light. Indeed we do." L says as he looked over at Light. Seeing the pain in the brunet's eyes.

"Loving Kira." - LawlightWhere stories live. Discover now