If We Could See Tomorrow

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Hello everyone! So I really got into this creative writing thing since I started writing my story Dreams, and this was something I wrote a few years ago in Turkish. It is just a scrabbled story so don't expect anything amazing! But hope you like it!

I imagined that he was here now, just in front of me... I imagined that I was talking to him.

I wouldn't need to talk, it is enough for me if only he talks. I would listen to him, see how he opens his mouth as he speaks, and watch his snow-white teeth. I would look at his green eyes for a while; I would play with his hair, softly stroke his hand, and touch his face... His beautiful face... He would charm me with his angelic, deep voice. I would listen to what he says, adoring every single word that comes out of his mouth, as if they have fallen from heaven...

Then, he would touch me... I would feel his warmth, and butterflies in my stomach, and my heart would beat faster. He would touch my hand, or softly caress my cheek... I would smile, he would smile back...

They would call his name and say that the concert is starting. So he would get up and start walking towards the door, taking a sip from his whisky. Finally, I say "Good luck." to him, "I'm sure you will do a great job." And he would flash his infamous peace sign and get out of the room, leaving me inside...

I would hear the songs while waiting inside the room. First, I would hear him become the wild and energetic rock star during the songs from the album Appetite for Destruction. I would watch him do the snake dance from the television in the room. It would look cute to me even when he is out of breath. I would giggle when he runs towards and wraps his arms around every single band member while singing, I would become proud of him, as he ecstasizes the whole stadium.

Then, they would start playing Don't Cry's alternative version... I would get out of the room and run towards him, to the stage. I would watch him. I would hear his voice closer, watch his eyes that contain millions of emotions. Then, I would think... I would think about his childhood, how he made it to Los Angeles... I would think about the things happened with the girl Monique, and how he and Izzy wrote this song right after that... I would realize that the band that used to play in bars and clubs is now making a huge stadium shake. I would feel my blood run faster because of the wonderful music, I would feel a tear in my eye.

When I look at him, I would realize that he has been feeling the same thing... He would look at the crowd with a lot of emotions, and he would sing the lines: "So many seem so lonely with no one left to cry to, baby..." screaming... I would see his face, and the way he looks at the crowd, and how a few tears formed inside his eyes and started spilling. I would become more upset, I would cry more...

Then I would run onto the stage when the song is over, without being able to control myself. I would run towards him, I would hug him, I would feel his muscular body beneath my hands... I would feel dizzy when he hugs me back, I would release my body in his arms... We wouldn't hear and wouldn't care about Slash, Duff, Izzy, the crowd or anyone else. Only the two of us... Me and him... He would hug me as if he is never going to let me go, and I would wrap my arms around his neck just the same way. There would be still tears spilling from our eyes. He would be thinking of his own life, and I would be thinking of him. We would cry, in the middle of a huge stadium, hugging each other tightly. We would cry for our destinies. He would be living his own sorrow, and I would be crying for him... I would be crying because I would know that I am never going to see him in real life, that he will slip apart from my hands and I am never going to be able to find him.

Finally the others would separate us, they would have ended the concert. We would go back to our room in the backstage, I would sit on the couch, he would stand in front of me. I would realize that he is thinking... Then, he would come near me, lie on the couch and put his head on my lap. I would caress his perfect face softly and tenderly. He would turn his head and look at me. I would see his breath-taking smile after all that crying, his sincere, real smile... I would smile back, looking at his amazing dimples. We would only stare at each other for a while, not talking, not moving, not making a single noise...

He would finally speak. "I'm tired." he would say. "Both physically and mentally..." I would look at him innocently. "Sleep." I would say. "I will wait for you, right here. I promise." He lightly nods and closes his green, soulful, teary eyes... And I would only watch him, I would think of him, I would stroke his angelic face, trying not to wake him.
Then, I would suddenly decide to prepare something for him. So I would slowly get up, lay his head onto the pillow and cover him with a blanket so that he doesn't get cold... Then I would walk out of the room, quietly close the door, go to the little kitchen in the backstage. I would prepare some food for him to eat, I would make him coffee, I would put them onto the tray and put a rose beside them. Then I would take the tray and get out of the kitchen, walk towards the room to wake him up, so that we can go home after he finishes eating. When I would reach out to open the door...

Suddenly a strange power took me away and made me drop the tray, and everything got scattered. I didn't know what to do, I reached out my arms trying to reach him. But the power was holding me back and pulling me backwards. I imagined his beautiful face and his body laying on the couch when I was struggling the power and screaming: "Axl! Axl!"

"Please!" I said, hoping that the power will stop holding me back. "I promised!" But it didn't work. That was how I got tore apart from him. The power took me far, far away. My inspiration, my love, my Axl was taken away. And this stupid computer was given instead of him.

I always saw him on the screen, I always watched him, his beautiful face, great body... I listened to his special voice, his songs that sounded heavenly... I learnt what he had done, his relationships, his girlfriends, what happened between him and the rest of the band, everything...

I was seeing him, watching him, hearing him, listening to him, and learning about him... But I could never reach him, ever...

If We Could See Tomorrow: One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now