Prompt #5

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Prompt: I want a prompt for my little Prescott about his Chicken Phobia from the game. And what made him into a mass murderer of chickens in Skyrim.

A.N.- So here we have the story of how Scott developed a traumatizing fear of chickens!


                "Mommy, look at the animals!" four year old Scott said in excitement.

"Maybe if you're a really good boy, Uncle Adam will let you pet the horses," his mom, Elizabeth, said.

Scott beamed eagerly, grabbing his mother's hand as they walked over to where his uncle and father were standing. His Uncle Adam turned and grinned.

"Scotty!" he said, holding his arms out.

Scott ran into them. "Uncle Adam, can I pet the horses?" Scott asked.

"Sure, bud. As soon as I'm done rounding up the chickens. They're wandering around with the pigs," Adam said. He owned a big farm, and knew how much Scott loved animals, so often invited him to visit.

Scott climbed up on the fence, peeking over at the pigs and chickens. His father, Tristan, grabbed the back of his shirt so he didn't fall.

"Hey, Scotty, want to pet a pig?" Adam offered, gesturing at a baby pig nearby.

"Yea!" Scott said.

Adam lifted him up and set him on the other side of the fence. "You have to be gentle, promise?"

"I promise," Scott said, going over to the baby pig and kneeling down. He lightly ran his hand down the pig's back, smiling. He stroked it a few times before standing up, wanting to see the horses now. The adults had started talking again and he didn't want them to forget about him.

He backed up from the pig and squealed a little as he stepped on something. The next thing he knew, he felt a sharp pain in his leg, and he let out a yell. He stumbled away and felt the pain again, looking down as a chicken continued to angrily peck at his leg.

"Mommy!" he cried, running towards the fence. The chicken chased after him, continuing to furiously peck at his leg.

"Scott!" Elizabeth said in alarm. "Adam, get him out of there!"

Adam hopped the fence and scooped Scott into his arms, pushing the chicken back with his foot. Scott sobbed against his shoulder, and Adam looked at the peck marks on his legs. Some had broken the skin, and others would leave bruises.

"Hey, you're okay Scotty," he soothed, climbing back over the fence. He passed Scott off to his mother, who held him tightly.

"You're okay," she said, rocking him and trying to calm him.

"Damn chickens," Tristan grumbled as he inspected Scott's injured legs. He glanced at the chicken that had attacked Scott. "I hope Prescott eats you for dinner tonight."

"I think he's just more shaken up than hurt," Elizabeth said, kissing Scott. "Right Scotty?"

"No more chickens!" Scott sobbed.

"No more chickens," his mom promised.


Scott pressed buttons on the Nintendo64 controller, watching as Link ran around on screen. His parents had bought him Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time for his 6th birthday last week, and he was finally getting to play it.

He ran around the village he was in and jumped a little as Link nearly ran into a chicken. Scott narrowed his eyes at the chicken, making Link pull out his sword.

"This is for biting my leg!" he cried, slicing at the chicken. He had two scars on his right leg from the chicken at his Uncle's farm. "I'm gonna make you a chicken nugget."

He continued to slice at the chicken, grinning triumphantly as he did so. But then he stopped, his eyes going wide as the chicken suddenly called out, and a whole flock of them attacked Link.

Scott threw his controller with a yell, covering his eyes in terror. His dad hurried downstairs to him.

"Scotty, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Tristan asked in concern.

"Daddy!" Scott cried, pointing at the screen.

Tristan hastily turned the TV off. "There, they're all gone Scotty," he said, rubbing Scott's back.

"I hate chickens!" Scott cried, a tear leaking down onto his cheek.

Tristan lifted Scott into his arms. "I know, I know. Those weren't real though, okay? They can't hurt you."

Still, Tristan mentally sighed. As if Scott wasn't already traumatized enough by chickens, now this added to it. The boy would panic anytime he even saw a picture of a chicken.

As he soothed his son, he hoped that someday Scott would manage to get over his fear. Surely he couldn't be afraid of chickens forever?

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