Prompt #6

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Prompt: Maybe multiple prompts or just one with different little scenes in it: From chapter 18 of Curtain Call, Scott crying when he held a koala, beating Alexander when he took his stuffed koala, and when he threw his phone out the window because his background was a chicken


"Come on, Scotty," Mrs. Anderson said, holding his hand and leading him over to where her friend, Nancy, was waiting.

Scott watched in excitement as Nancy lifted a koala into her arms. She came over to Scott, kneeling down so that she was at the little boy's height.

"Just be gentle with him, Scott," Nancy said.

"Of course I'll be gentle with him!" Scott said.

His mom had a friend who worked at a zoo, and Scott had begged his parents to use their connection to help him get to hold a koala. So eventually they gave in, using their money and connections to arrange this for Scott.

His mom stood, camera ready and smiling at her son. Mr. Anderson joined her, also smiling as he watched his son.

Nancy carefully placed the koala in Scott's arms. Scott held it gently but firmly, staring in amazement.

The koala moved against him, shifting itself into a more comfortable position. Scott felt his eyes watering.

"Scott, are you crying?" his dad asked in confusion.

"Dad, I'm holding a koala," Scott whispered. "This is beautiful."

"He looks like he wants to take it to Vegas and marry it," Mr. Anderson said. "Scott, buddy, slow down. You're only 7. Give it a few years."

"It's so soft," Scott said, hugging it a little as it clung to him calmly. Scott couldn't help as he began to cry a little more. "I'm holding a koala! It's so soft! I'm in love! I want one, mom!"

Mrs. Anderson leaned over to her husband. "You're breaking the news to him that he can't have a pet koala."

"Oh sure, make his father break his heart," Mr. Anderson said with a sigh.

They both turned back to watch their son. Scott buried his face against the koala's fur as he held it and cried. This was the best day of his life.


"I'm tired," Bennett announced.

Alexander, Toby, and Scott looked up from the movie they were watching and nodded. All of them were dressed in their pajamas, a giant bowl of popcorn in front of them. There were soda cans littered around Alexander's room.

"Let's get ready for bed," Toby said, standing up and stretching.

They began to pile blankets and pillows on the floor of the basement. They'd decided to have a big sleepover tonight and they were exhausted after running around the backyard all day playing.

"Scotty, did you bring a stuffed koala?" Bennet asked in confusion.

"I don't like to go places without it. Don't judge me," Scott said, taking it from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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