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"Should we shop,or have them customize an outfit"....I heard my best friend said....his attention fully on his tablet....

"Having to customize is tiring"....I muttered....picked a bottle of chocolate vodka,two wine cup and a tray,then head back to my sitting room....

I don't have the strength nor zeal to create ideas nor let anyone stress their brain when we could just visit a shop,or simply order a good already made outfit online....

"Shopping it is then"....Jimin said upon my arrival,dropped his tablet aside then helped himself with the drink....

We both got few days free from our busy schedule and as usual,Jimin had disturbed my peaceful sleep wanting to discuss things he deemed important....

And when I say things he deems important,I mean anything that has to do with partying....Jimin is an actor and a model just like me....we've been friends since college and luckily got selected by the same industry....AHDEntertainment....a top industry every actors would die for....I wouldn't say we got lucky....we actually got there with our excellent performers and not by connections....

We've been AHDE's star for 3 years now and during this period of time,we've both stared in alot of heartwarming and winning dramas,movies,series....what ever you call support roles,main roles and guest roles...

Being an actor or model could be tiring but we love what we our passion,our dream....seeing it come true makes us the happiest.....

Jimin and I starred together in only 2 dramas but that didn't stop our supports for each other....he visits me while on set when he's less busy and I do the same....

This morning my manager had forward an invitation email to me....not that it was necessary as we have to be there no matter an award event,we were nominated and our company had already cleared our schedules for forwarding an invite was more of a formality.....

Hence why Jimin had came to disturb my sleep...wanting to talk about our outfits and all before discussing it with our our thing....

"What should we go"....he asked, already on his second cup...Jimin has high tolerance for alcohol....he could finish a 250ml cup of vodka without being affected...maybe a little tipsy and I dare not take 250ml.....

I already gulped down 3,50ml shots though,a sum of 150ml, browsing through my phone....

"Confidence is the look I wanna go for"....

"You walk down the hall like a fucking Mafia boss tae"....Jimin scoffed and I couldn't help but agree with him....of course i know okay....I know how I act when am out of my just me being me,I don't need to fake it....

"White and nude?"....I suggested...picturing myself on that red carpet...all white and a little nude touch of makeup on my face....oozing out the look I crave for....confidence....

"Angelic..."Jimin slurred.... little steps to being drunk and then filling my room with noise he calls music and then sway his hips to the beat....

"I will go for that too, would be an angel....angel with wings.... Amen"....he joked then laugh at his own words and I couldn't help myself either....maybe it the alcohol enhancing our senses....

I was tipsy,that I know...not drunk as I could still tell quiet well what was happening in my environment and I get Jimin was too....

"What do you think, would we be the only ones being angels?"....he asked,pushing himself off the couch while laying on my floor.....

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