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     This wasn't the first,nor was it the second,I mean it not even the hundredth....

Am use to doing this over and over again....I call it my imaginary space....a space where it just me and jungkook....

It happens everytime I get times I get myself drunk just to travel into my space...there am everything with kook that I can never be in real life....

Being lovey dovey....on screen perfect couple....kissing..going on romantic dates...and mind I say tangling tango?....

So it wasn't really surprising that I was seeing the other in front of me...I guess I was already in my imaginary space....

I watch as his eyebrow furrowed,looking at me felt so real and I only wonder how perfect I've become as my own author.....good enough to imagine his worried face....

"Tae you're drunk"....I heard him say....making me chuckle...I mean...he was talking on his the director,am the what ever he's suppose to say,should be what I want him to....

"That's wasn't the line "....I slurred...pointing a finger to his face...inches away from touching his cheek..

I cleared my throat,which felt kind of dry,as in real head was beginning to ache and my legs were getting jelly....

"You were suppose to say...I miss you so much tae"...I said my eyes trying to find his....

"Why would you drink at an event show taehyung"....worry was evidence in his voice and his brows where still furrowed....

He called my full name...he wasn't suppose to call my full name,tae....he was suppose to call tae...

"What's wrong with you...why aren't you saying my line"....I glared at him and I could see his lips etched to the side slightly....not smiling but highly frustrated....

And!!!!!!! Speaking about those lips....glossy and used to Imagining his lips a darker shade....because it suit him best but this time it wasn't...instead it was glossy....and damn were they shining....hard to resist....

I guess am imagining him in the state i found him earlier....

"Your lips"....I gaze rising from his lips to his eyes....

Jungkook again was staring at me with his intoxicating orbs....his brow no longer furrowed...his face so calm and hot that my already jelly legs went jelly....

Staggering...I took few steps until I was standing right in front of him....

Without the support of the car i was leaning on earlier,I felt my legs give up and before I knew it,jungkook's arm circled around my waist....pulled me closed,until my chest was almost touching his....

Almost the same height...i could feel his warm breath on my face....the fact that we were so close made my inside warm...his arm on my waist felt so real that if I wasn't sure I was imagining this...I would believe instantly that jeon jungkook was indeed holding me....

Slowly,I raised my head so I was facing him,his eyes so close that the only thing I could see were his dark orbs....his gaze flitted from my eyes,to my lips and like usual I got nervous....biting in my bottom lips...

"Dont do that"....his voice came out husky...and I won't lie....the shiver that went through my spine felt so fucking real...that felt like I wasn't even drunk at all..felt like I wasn't Imagining jungkook....he was here...holding me and staring at me like am the most important person in the world...

WITHIN MY REACH(taekook)♧Where stories live. Discover now