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Despite having same agency,I and Jimin rode in different cars.... there's a lot of noise in the crowd as I watch him walk down the red carpet magnificently in all white....he waved and smile while doing so....

When he was out of camera zone,his car pulled out while mine moved forward then stop exactly were the carpet was laid....

I opened the door slowly,took a foot out and then the next....the cheers and scream intensify and I really couldn't blame was me after all...the most handsome man in the am not bragging...just stating fact...

I was wearing a white all through trousers and a free tucked in silk first 2 buttons were opened,revealing the choker around my neck and a little part of my chest.... giving me the kind of look I craved.... confidence....

The new Tiffany jewelries I ordered lay around my ears,wrist and neck,contributed to the glow...

I bow,showing respect to our fans who left home just to cheer us up.....I wave at them also pull on a real smile while doing so....slowly I walk down the carpet to a standing board,where celebrities stood to take pictures before heading in....there I met Jimin still taking pics and I had to join him...when we finished,he left so I could take singles and I wished I followed when he left...

Because just as I faced front wanting to strike a pose....the crowd that has gone quiet after me went wild again....I was curious and sure my curious eyes found the source....

Jeon jungkook....he was walking down the carpet in all black, the king he is...he smiled,waved also and then lock his eyes with mine....

Jungkook radiate a kind of aura that screams power....he radiates alot of confidence and his gentle nature just makes one want to bow and lick the dust under his shoes....

He walked towards me,a smile grazing his lips....and I couldn't help my smile too....

"Hey"....he muttered quietly while standing besides me...

And God was his voice making me jelly....

"Hey"....I answered body burning up at our close proximity....

"You look good"....he said again....I could feel his gaze on me and I really didn't want to turn to face him....I am already a mess with him just by my side,what will happen when I look at him up close....and the compliment!!... gosh,I really couldn't wait to leave.....

"You look like you own this place"....I answered....and it was true...he looks like a fucking king....

I heard him chuckle and automatically I was looking at him....our gaze locked and I could se e his eyes soften while looking at me...his eyes always soften while looking at me..I wonder why...

He was wearing a little makeup,i noticed and his eyes had dark liners, bringing their depth out...his jawline where sharp as always and his lips....were alluring...they were their usual shade just a little glowy and I felt myself wanting to feel lower lip on it own tucked itself between my teeth...

My eyes made their way back to his face and I noticed his eyes had darkened...this wasn't the first and I got more curious why he stared at me that way....

Haven realized have been staring way too long,probably making the other uncomfortable...I cleared my throat....

"See you inside" voice came out lower than it should...

Without waiting for a reply...I immediately went in....taking in a deep breath as I was out of his sight....

"Gosh...when will I really get over him"....I muttered to my mood turning sour knowing that I would never be more than a friend to him...

"What took you so long?"....I heard my best friend said...he was standing behind the standing waiting for me...

"I met kook "....I simply said as we walked towards our assigned seat...bowing and greeting our colleagues on the way....

Jimin didn't say anything....instead locked my hand with his as we sat waiting for the event to start...

Not long after that...the event started....

Speech were made,people performed....names were called,awards were given and like usual I got 3 awards to myself...jimin won 2 and jungkook got 5 to himself....lucky bastard....

The ceremony ended and it was just us getting to know each other....

Our awards where with our managers...and I guess they've already took it to our cars...

Jimin left to greet his colleagues while I just sat doing nothing...really I wasn't in the mood for familiarities....

I turned my head to the left,wanting to see a certain ravenette....because that was where he was sitting and I regret doing so,should have kept my fucking head in place....

kang sumi,his rumored girlfriend was hugging him,even placed a kiss on his cheek....and to worsen it,jungkook was smiling at can't she wait until they were out of this place....I scoffed...

I felt my inside burned and without control,my legs took step after steps until I was in the parking lot where my car was manager no where in sight....

I took out my chocolate brandy,which I always stuff in the back seat,incase of emergency....emergencies like this one.....pop it open while leaning my back on the usual thinking of my crush...wishing he was a bi....atleast I could get him to like me....

I didn't know how much I drank...but I was sure I was few steps to being I was drunk....because why the fuck was Jeon jungkook standing in front of me?...looking at me worriedly?....

I wasn't the type to get myself have controls...but then why did I push myself this time?....

And guess what?....getting drunk at an award event was the most foolish mistake,I Kim Taehyung ever made....


.......... trying a first person point of view,and I hope it cool....


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