Chapter 3: "Daddy Problems"

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Now I was on the roof of the abandoned apartment complex, which was flat and covered in grass. As the moon shined its light. Another shattered moon eclipsed it. Moths flew around me, attracted to the light from my lens, and a bat started swooping, catching the moths. When it was finished, it landed on top of my head. Putting it in my hand, I admired it. It was a beautiful creature, soft and fuzzy. Its heartbeat was quick. Something about heartbeats always makes me feel strange. When you see something breathing or its heart beating, it lets you know that it's alive. you suddenly become aware that this creature has a soul. That this creature just like you has its own thoughts and its own wants. After a while of it being in my hand, it saw another moth and flew away.

These mutants though... hey didn't have a heartbeat. They were more mechanical. They don't even breathe. Where did they come from? I don't remember anything like it during the war. Climbing back down I observed its remains, it was obviously not born, it had no belly button or way of reproducing. On its leg was a barcode and the skin itself looked stitched together. Some kind of science experiment? I had heard of war animals before, but production of them was supposed to have stopped after the war ended.

Strapping it to my backpack I walked back to camp. It was getting close to the time for them to leave as the sun rose again. The wasteland was full of strange and unusual sights. As I was walking, I saw some kind of anomaly. Cars and rocks floated like paper and in the center was what looked like a portal of shattered glass. I was no fool, that portal was a reality glitch caused from my father's failed invention. Who knows where or when it could take me? Walking was taking too long so I decided to see if I could get one of the cars started. If my father was right it should be easy to repair despite the wear and tear of time. So going to one of the cars I opened it's hood. I can't believe it, aside from being covered in an inch of dust, it's actually in incredible shape?

This can't be real. Taking the keys from a skeleton I turned the car on and it began to hover. My mind took a bit of time to process the fact that it actually happened. It is three hundred years old isn't it? My friend Sputnik was covered in rust when he was found... that's a bit unfair for him. Getting in the car I activated its gem powered engine. A warm pink glow came from its neon lights. Driving in the cold morning the sun rose above the city of San Antonio. No one lives there anymore, other than the giant lizards and birds. Once at camp I took my backpack out from the back of the car, and brought the mutant's body to Anthony.

Anthony clenched the table as if he had just entered a nightmare. "More mutants?!" Daniela who was still in her cage looked at her dad dismayed. Anthony clarified: "sorry Daniela I didn't mean you of course" I then asked what it was but Anthony was just as confused as I was. So I was sent away while professionals observed the body. I can't help but worry about Daniela, she was always there for me and dexter. Why was she still in a cage? She wasn't acting aggressive! It's not fair.

Going back to Anthony's tent, I decided I was going to free her. As I cracked open the door I heard Anthony speak secretly as he wrote in his diary: "it's worse than I thought, the overworld is infested with mutants. I have to get rid of them. If I don't, we're all dead. I've prayed every night for the mutants to just go extinct! Yet here they are... "Daniela"my daughter. she's become one of them... I'll have to kill her too." Daniela backed herself into the corner of the cage in confusion"Dad? What are you doing?" Anthony stared at Daniela, gun in hand: "I just remembered, your kind can't be killed by bullets, let me get my flamer."

Looking to the table I saw a gun that Anthony left. What did I just watch? Who would kill their own kid? Running in I grabbed the cage keys and freed Daniela. Daniela and I then snuck into my car where I drove her back to the entrance of the underground. Daniela thanked me for saving her. I asked if she wanted to talk about it but she stayed quiet for most of the car ride. Finally she spoke: "Do you think he's right? Does being a mutant put the settlement in danger?" So I told her: "I know you're sick, but you're not a killer either." Danny continued: " but my dad says that mutants are the reason the surface became unlivable. He said that biotechnology is what caused the underground's destruction." Stopping the car I explained to her: "it's not mutants or biotechnology that caused any of this. We play god, we suffer consequences. That's what this is."

Once we arrived at the elevator I hugged her and said goodbye. Daniela wouldn't let go though. When she finally did, she said sorry. I wasn't mad, I could tell she hadn't been hugged by anyone in a very long time, I know that feeling. Before leaving, Daniela asked if we would see each other again. I honestly told her that I didn't know. I had to see what Anthony is planning, my instincts are telling me that a so-called "new home for humanity" is not his only concern.

Daniela agreed with me and then took the elevator down.

As she left my heart stabbed all over with fear and regret... I was in love. Why now? Of all times?

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