Chapter 2

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"Oh my God, I'm so sorry" you say looking up at the person you bumped into as you look into his eyes "It's fine, don't worry" he says looking at you with a smile as you could see his eyes disappear from his eye smile. It melted you


You stop doing your cooking as your phone rings and you pick it up answering to Yeji "Good morning girl" you smile "Good morning" you put down the napkin and sit down "Let's go out today" you smile "Sure why not?" she giggles "Get ready, I'll come over in thirty minutes" you nod "Alright see you" you hung up as you sigh

You run up to your room. It was a cold day today. It was the last days of winter so you thought it wouldn't be so cold. But it literally turn around the opposite. Today was windy and cold. Cloudy as well

You got into your wardrobe and search for your hoodies and a warm form so your legs don't get cold. You never really liked wearing baggy clothes, but windy weather always has it as the first option

"Let's get a little warmer today" you smile and change as you could hear the whistle of the wind outside. It was feeling late winter again. In the end of it


You get downstairs as you drink a cup of water when the doorbell rings. You walk up at the door and open seeing Yeji "Hello miss" you smile and hug her "Let me grab my bag and we're off" you get to the living room taking your bag and you walk out of the house locking the door "Let's go" you walk off as you started discussing for random things

2 hours later
"So you heard footsteps, but when you looked it was no one?" you nod explaining to her last night's, weird, experiment you had "Yeah, and the neighborhood was so silent, that the sound of them was so hearable that-" then, you bumped into someone as your bag falls

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry" you look up at him as you look into his eyes "It's alright, don't worry" he helps you take your things as he smiles. You could see his eyes disappear from the eye smile. It melted you.

"Are you alright miss?" you nod "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm sorry again" he nods "It's alright, have a great day" he walks away as you were still looking at him. His vibe was something different, you thought, something you never met before, or something really rare

"Let's go girl" Yeji takes your arm and walk as you look at her "Did you see him?" she smiles "I did" you look away "And I saw the way you looked at him" you smile "You liked him, really much actually" she knew you. She knew you liked him, of course she did. It was obvious even to yourself

"He's so cute" you say smiling to yourself "I really think I fell in love with a guy I just bumped into" you look at her as she chuckles. She wanted the best for you. And she thought he would be the best for you


Jeno was shocked from how beautiful you were, still thinking about it. In his eyes on that moment, you were more beautiful than he expected. His heart skipped a beat seeing your eyes, making him smile.

The thought was interrupted by his phone as he picks up "What happened Haechan?" he asks "Did the plan work?" Jeno stops,  he wanted to tell Haechan everything went good, but, the excitement he had would betray him at that moment "Yeah, it happened like we planned" he simply answers cleaning his throat

"You sure you're ok?" Jeno sighs "I'm fine, now all I have to do is introduce myself as her new neighbor, right?" Haechan sighs "Right" he nods "Are you sure you don't wanna tell me anything?" Jeno sighs "Are you trying to find problems?" Haechan clear his throat "Just asking dude" Jeno looks away

"Jeno" he hummed "I'm reminding you, for your good" Jeno close his eyes "Don't fall in love with her, not with that girl Jeno, not with your own target"

"I know Haechan, I know, stop talking bullshit, I won't fall in love with anyone" he looks away "I'll just make the plan work and" he takes a deep breath "And kill her, that's it" Haechan hummed "Good, that's what I want you to have in mind, Johnny won't leave you if something goes wrong" Jeno nods "Let's talk later" he hung up and sigh. What did he get himself into? Not even he knows


You were sitting with Jungwoo at the living room talking about your day "It's going to be cold these days, you should wear warm clothes" you smile "I will Jungwoo, don't worry" he nods "Anyway, how's Mark doing? I have to see him a while" he looks at you "Fine" he simply says making you raise an eyebrow

"Just fine? What kind of answer is that?" He sighs "You asked me and I answered, he's fine" you look away "What's your problem now Yn" you look up at him "You just never talk like that" he looks down "Did you fight?" he shake his head "Just don't ask questions, nothing happened, ok?" you sigh when the doorbell rings

You walk up at the door opening amd you freeze. There was he. The man you thought you'll never see again, it's in front of you with a big eye smile hiding his dark brown eyes

"Hey" he let out as you smile "Hey" you reply staring at him "Aren't you the man who I bumped into this morning?" he nods "Yeah, that's me" he pulls out his hand as you look at it "I'm Jeno" you hold his hand as you feel goosebumps at your entire body "I'm Yn, it's nice to meet you" he smiles

"I just moved here actually and I saw you live here. I thought of coming and introduce myself. Since we're neighbors from now on" your smile fades "You moved here?" he nods "That's great" you smile brightly "That's for you" he says pulling the cake he was holding towards you

"Thanks Jeno, you didn't have to actually" he looks at you "C'mon in, I'm with my brother, you'd love to meet him" you walk aside as he walks in and you close the door "Jungwoo, that's Jeno" Jungwoo looks up at him and walk up to you "Nice to meet you, I'm Jungwoo, Yn's brother" Jeno nods "Nice to meet you" you smile "Jeno just moved here" Jungwoo looks at him

"So you're new to this neighborhood" Jeno nods "I see" he nods "You'll get along well with everyone, they're good people" Jeno smiles "I hope so" you look at him "Why don't you sit and eat with us? We were about to" Jungwoo interrupt "I remembered I have a work to do. I will take my leave" you look at him "So suddenly?" he nods putting on his jacket "Yeah, see you tomorrow sis" he kiss your forehead "It was nice meeting you Jeno" Jeno nods "Me too" her says as Jungwoo walks out of the house closing the door

"Well you may sit down, I'll serve the food" he smiles and sit down while you take the cake from his hands and put in to the fridge. You were nervous actually. You didn't know if it was obvious or not, but you were. You liked him. Well, really much actually. You wanted to start a thing, but you weren't sure though. What if he didn'tike you? What if he had a girlfriend? You didn't know anything about it


Jeno was sitting at the couch looking at your back as you were serving the food. He didn't know how to feel. His emotions were so mixed up. He knew he couldn't fall in love with you. But the way it's all happening, he's not sure if it can stay like that.

The way you looked at him. Your smile. Your giggles. Your figure. Everything about you made their way to his mind, finding his lips forming a smile. He couldn't help, but thinking about nothing else, but you. Just you.

It was only a few hours since he met you for the first time. How's the plan was going to begin. And he already finds himself falling in love with you. He knew it was going to be really bad for him, mostly for you. He knew Haechan was right telling him all about it

"Don't fall in love with her Jeno, not wish that girl. Don't risk your life"

It was all rolling inside his head. But he had already fell in love with you. He knew he had. He had fall in love with his own target.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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