Chapter 1

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Wolf Moon - S1 EP1

Edited: No

POV: Narrator

It was a hazy night in Beacon Hills, as County Sheriff's Department vehicles arrived at the entrance of the wood. Several Deputies, including the Sheriff, exit the vehicles with their flashlights in hand, a few also leading K9s. They start to amble into the wood, frantically looking around at their surroundings in search for something.

POV: Arden McCall

I sit on my brothers bed, doing the rest of my summer homework, as Scott re-threads his lacrosse stick ready for tomorrow. "You really think your going to be playing this year?" I question teasingly as I look up at him "Yes, Arden, I swear I've gotten better!" He says confidently, "If you say so." I go back to doing my work, as he stands up and does a few pull ups on his pull-up bar, which sits on top of the door to his en-suite. After he walks over to the sink and brushes his teeth, until suddenly we both hear a clattering outside. "What was that?" I mouth at Scott as he turns to look at me then shrugs being equally confused. 

We both headed down the stairs, Scott pulling a jacket on and grabbing a random bat as we go outside to investigate the sound. Cautiously, we stalked around the corner of the house, as Scott held the bat defensively, we look around, not seeing much, letting our guards down a little, until Stiles, Scott and I's best friend, hangs upside down from the roof of the porch scaring the life out of us. All of us scream at each other, Scott lifts the bat and almost swings it before realising who it is. "Omg Stiles!" I shout at him annoying and shocked, "Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!" He shouts, questioning him "Neither of you were answering your phone! Why do you have a bat?" He questions "Why do you think dummy?" I reply "We thought you were a predator!" Scott answers fully "A pre... wha? Look, I know it's late, but you two gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called, they're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even state police." Stiles explains "What? why?" I question "2 joggers found a body in the woods." Stiles says too enthusiastically for my liking, before dropping not so elegantly onto the ground. I cringe as I look down at him, "What, a dead body?" Scott questioned, as Stiles stands up to look at us "No, a body of water" He replies sarcastically, as I roll my eyes at the two boys "Yes, dumbass, a dead body!" He says while climbing over the railing to join us on the porch "You mean, like, murdered..?" Scott questioned nervously "Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties." "Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?" "That's the best part! They only found half" Stiles says smiling like a psycho "Yeah, you and I have different definitions of 'the best part', like very different" I say a bit concerned "We're going." Stiles says ignoring what I had said and leaving no room for us to argue with him.

--Time Skip--

Stiles parks his car at the sign that clearly states 'NO ENTRY AFTER DARK', although I'm guessing that wasn't going to stop us. We all jump out of the teal blue Jeep, with Stiles holding a single flashlight, before we start our journey into the dark wood. "We're seriously doing this?" Scott questioned "Looks like it" I respond "You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles says looking towards Scott "I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow" Scott says defensively "Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." Stiles teases "No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line." Scott replies as Stiles looks at him in disbelief "Sure, keep dreaming buddy" I say patting him on the shoulder "Hey, I mean that's the spirt! Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles says laughing a little at the end, I snort at Stiles' words. We walk in silence for a minute before Scott speaks up again "Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" "Huh! I didn't even think about that." Stiles replies "Great, and what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" I ask "Also something I didn't think of." Stiles replied quickly before we started to ascend up a steep hill "Wonderful" I say before Scott replies with "It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail." "I know" Stiles says a little out of breath. Scott's asthma then starts to kick in while he leans against a nearby tree and says "Maybe the serve asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" before pulling his inhaler out and using it, while Stiles continues up the hill as I stop and look at him while asking "You good?" a little concerned for my brother "Yeah, I'm good." He replies out of breath before we both continuing up the hill trying to catch up to Stiles. As we get to the top we see a handful of people, probably Deputies, waving flashlights around searching for the body, as soon as we spot them Stiles dives to the ground, Scott and I do the same a few seconds later. All laying next to each other, Stiles turns our flashlight off so we don't get spotted, then not even a minute later Stiles get up running straight for them "Come on!" He whispers before leaving us behind "Stiles!" I whisper-shout at him, Scott quickly takes another puff of his inhaler then gets up dragging me with him "Wait up! Stiles!" He says as we chase after him "Stiles!" I almost shout at him, and he finally stops and turns around but keeps walking backwards, then ends up bumping into a K9 and falling over turning to face the Deputy as me and Scott quickly hide behind a tree so we don't get caught as well. "Hold it right there!" The Deputy shouts at Stiles, I then hear a very familiar voice say "Hang on, hang on..." the voice sighs "This little delinquent belongs to me" the voice continued which confirmed my thoughts on who it was "Dad, how are you doing?" Stiles says trying to play it cool "So, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?" Sheriff Stilinski, or Stiles dad, asks "No.." Stiles laughs sheepishly "...Not the boring ones." I only just hear Stilinski sigh, probably being fed up with Stiles "Now, where are your usual partners in crime?" "Who, Scott and Arden? Their home. Scott said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow, and Arden, she was busy with leftover homework." Stiles says covering for us "Its just me... In the woods... Alone..." Stiles continued, sounding very unconvincing "Scott, Arden, you out there? Arden? Scott?" Stilinski shouts, shining his flashlight around as me and Scott continue hiding, not wanted to be found then told off.  After a few minutes of looking, Stilinski believes his son, "Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car... And then you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called 'invasion of privacy'." He says as he walks away with Stiles, leaving me and Scott in the woods, alone, with no flashlight.

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