Chapter 2

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Wolf Moon - S1 EP1

Edited: No

POV: Arden McCall

I walk through the woods, until I come to a stop in front of a very broken and burnt house. I look around at my old home, which was left to rot after the fire. "I know your here Derek!" I shout, waiting for him to show his face, I turn around for a second but as soon as I look back at the porch I see him, standing very.. weirdly kind of like that standing man emoji. "What do you want, Arden?" He announces, "First, ouch, can't family hang out? Second, I want to know what your doing back here?" I reply, "None of your business." Derek answers blandly "Yes, it is my business! Is it about this new alpha? Or Laura being ripped into two?" I state "How do you know about that?" He questions "Well, I found Laura's body, oh and then the alpha bit Scott, which I have to say, was very nice of him." I sarcastically smile at the end "Great. Now I have to deal with you and Scott." He mutters in annoyance "Excuse you! I can take care of myself, and I don't need your help, I can handle the Scott situation." I say trying to get him to leave Scott alone, didn't work though "Yeah right, and what about the alpha situation?" "Fine, you handle the alpha, I'll handle Scott." I say "You know that's never going to happen" He says sternly "Damn, you got annoying." I say rolling my eyes ay him.

POV: Narrator

When Scott gets home he goes straight up to his room to get changed out of his wet clothes and into his pajama shorts. After drying his hair he lays down on his bed smiling, thinking back to his interaction with Allison. He finally fell asleep, before turning over onto his stomach only to find it was day time and he was lying in a pile of leaves in a coyote den.

Scott quickly gets up confused on how he ended up there. He looks around and sees the alpha, who bit him the other night, through the fog. The alpha starts to run, so Scott starts to run away constantly look to his side to see where the Alpha was. He eventually goes over a hill, losing the Alpha, Scott then comes up to a fence and jumps over it only to find he accidently jumped into some strangers swimming pool, who stares at Scott like he was an alien. Scott who was in shock from the sudden coldness of the water looks back at the man and finally decides to say "Good morning." in a friendly way.

--Time Skip--

Scott opens his locker and puts his backpack in after changing into his lacrosse gear. Suddenly Jackson appears, slamming Scotts locker door shut, scaring him. "All right, little man." Jackson starts "How 'bout you tell me where your getting your juice." He finishes, staring at Scott intensely. "What?" Scott questions, shaking his head looking a Jackson blankly. "Where. Are. You. Getting. Your. Juice?" Jackson repeats, in a mockingly slow tone of voice. Scott blinks at him confusion still etched onto his face "My mom does all the grocery shopping." He says oblivious to what Jackson meant. "Now, listen, McCall, you're going to tell me exactly what it is and who you're buying it from, because there's no way in hell you're out there kicking ass on the field like that without some sort of chemical boost." Jackson says agitated. Scott finally understands what he was talking about "Oh, you mean steroids!" Scott then frowns "Are you on steroids?" . Jackson loses his patience and temper as he shoves Scott against the locker and pins him there "What the hell is going on with you, McCall?" . Scott, already under a lot of stress starts to ramble "What's going on with me? You really wanna know? Well, so would I! Because I can see, here and smell things that I shouldn't be able to see, hear and smell. I do things that should be impossible, I'm sleepwalking three miles into the middle of the woods, and I'm pretty much convinced that I'm totally out of my freaking mind!" Scott sighs, finally relieved to get that off his chest. Jackson scoffs "You think you're funny. don't you, McCall? I know you're hiding something. I'm gonna find out what it is. I don't care how long it takes." Jackson then pounds his fist against the locker right next to Scott's ear, before smacking him hard on the shoulder and finally walking away, leaving a very overwhelmed Scott behind.

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