Chapter 3

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Second Chance at First Line - S1 EP2

Edited: No

POV: Narrator

Scott walks in to the locker room after talking with Allison, he has a shocked look on his face, as he is still trying to wrap his head around her father being a Hunter. He gets to his locker and leans against it in a dazed state, Stiles walks past Scott, before noticing him and turning back. "Did you apologize to Allison?" Stiles asks, "Yeah." is all Scott could get out, "Soo, is she giving you a second chance or..?" "Yeah." Scott repeated, Stiles smiles "Yeah! All right, so everything's good!" Stiles starts to walk to his locker "No." Scott says still dazed, Stiles comes back "No?" "Remember the hunters?" Scott starts to explain "Her dads one of them.." 

Stiles looks confused "Her dad?" 

"Shot me..." 

"Allison's father?!" 

"...With a crossbow."

Stiles pauses for a few seconds, thinking it through "Allison's father..." "Yes, her father!" Scott Shouts, interrupting Stiles. Scott breaths heavily "Oh, my god. Oh, my god." "No, Scott, come on, snap back. You okay?" Stiles slaps him lightly on the cheek "Hey, all right. He didn't recognize you, right?" Scott still freaking out "No, no, no, I don't think so..." Scott thinks about it, calming down a bit.

"Does she know about him?"

"Oh, yeah, I don't know. What if she does?" Scott freaks again. "This is gonna kill me, man. I can't..."

"Okay, just focus on lacrosse, okay? Here, Scott, take this." Stiles passes him his stuff "Take this and focus on lacrosse for now, okay? That's all you gotta do, yeah?"


"Here. We. Go." Stiles hits Scott's shoulder with every word.

--Time Skip--

Coach blows the whistle "Let's go! One-on-ones from up top. Jackson, take a long stick today. Atta boy!" Jackson takes the long stick, and then takes his place on the field, Coach blows the whistle again and the team starts to take their turns. "That's how you do it, Jackson! That's how you do it!" Coach says as they continue. "Greenberg, take a lap!" "Let's go! Faster, Greenberg! Let's go." It's now Scott's turn "McCall, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Scott gets brought back to reality, and takes his go, running towards the goal. Jackson easily tosses Scott to the ground, Scott not even trying to move out of the way. Stiles, who is up next, cringes, same with Arden, who is sitting on the side lines. "Hey, McCall!" Coach calls, "Hey, McCall" 

"You sure you still want to be first line, McCall?" Jackson smirks at Scott

Coach walks over to Scott, as he gets up "My- my grandmother can move faster than that, and she's dead! You think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?" Coach provokes him, which causes Scott's eyes to glow yellow.

"Yes, Coach."

"I can't hear you"

"Yes coach!"

"Then do it again." 

Arden mumbles under her breath "Oh god... This is not going to end well..." While she sits up straight, ready for whatever happens.

"McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!" Coach repeats as Scott runs back getting ready to go again. Scott goes again, this time, he tosses Jackson, who lands on and hurts his shoulder. Scott drops to the ground holding his head, breathing heavily. Arden and Stiles both notice this and run to him, Stiles being closer, gets to him first. "Scott? Scott, you okay?" Stiles questions.

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