(chapter 4)

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(Chapter 4)


I felt ice cold water slap my skin. The burning sensation quickly overcome by the pain I felt coming from my head.My hand reaching up,automatically, to rub my head. I could feel the pain consume my mind as though nothing else mattered. "Here, take this, it will help with the pain" a voice said opening my hand to place the painkillers. I look around warily, I could not see anyone , my room was empty , but I could here his breathing. I placed the painkillers into my mouth and slowly swallowed with a glass of water , which lay on my night stand. The pain seemed to quickly ease over and I was more focused now. "Finally, thought you would take forever to take those pills , might have had to stuff it down ur throat" he snickered.

Confused I looked around only to find him standing by the side of my bedpost. Fear once again consuming my mind. I urged myself to be strong and hid all signs of fear. "Jason leveirra--p-prince of darkness ? What ? " I said. Confusion very evident. He was peering out the window , where I stood just a few moments ago about to call for help , and he pulled me away practically throwing me against the door. He had enormous strength. Power I have never felt before. He turned to face me , leaning against the window. And he seemed to watch me for an instant before he spoke " I no miss ella, you are very confused and its hard to understand why I am here-"

"Why are you here ? You haven't explained anything. If you are here to kill me , why don't you just get it over with already? " I interupted, annoyance clearly showing in my voice .

He smiled and said " you are really not in the position to be showing annoyance miss ella" and within an instant he had his hands around my neck in a very deathly snapping position. I was horrified , counting the seconds before he would snap my neck bt instead he spoke " I could snap your neck and within an instant you would be dead, but that is too easy. I'm not here to make your life easy. I am undoubtedly here to kill you , but it will be done when I feel suit". He stared deep into my eyes and I shut them tight looking away. How could a person be so cruel. Why does he want to kill me ? I could not understand. It was just not fair. I was so young and had so much to live for.

He was back at the window, his favourite place to reside, where he sighed and sat in silence for a little while. I looked at him for a brief moment and glanced over at my clock. It was only 11pm. What time would this nightmare end.

"Miss ella, I never meant for this to happen" I looked up at his sudden confession. " I am only doing what will protect my family and I. I wish you no harm"

" Then why ? Why ? Do you want me dead ?" I asked in a pleading way.

"Miss ella, this is in no way your fault. I am truly sorry for is going to happen but I am to blame. And for my mistakes you have to suffer" he said sincerely apologetic.

I was about to question him further when we both looked up to the sudden noise at the door.

Knock, knock, knock." Ella open the door, I know you in there" shouted a voice. " Ella please open the door ! You sick evil son of a b****, don't you dare touch her or I swear , Jason Leveirra, you will never see day again" the stranger spat .

Damian, it was Damian, he came to rescue me.

Ease now embelishing my body. But just as quick as the happiness of being rescued came , did it go. how did Damian know I was in danger ? And how did he know who was in the room with me. What on earth was going on ? Now wasn't the time to worry about that, finally I would be safe and this trecherous night would be over.

"Damian! Damian! Oh-my-god, it's you, help me plea-" I screamed before jason grabbed me and placed a hand over my mouth, stifiling my screams. I tried to get him to release his grip on me , but he wouldn't budge. And I resorted to the last thing that came to mind , I bit him!

"What the hell! " He screamed. He let go of me and I was running to the door when he appeared infront of me. Stopping me dead in my tracks. "H-how ? " I said moving back. "You WILL NOT open the door, you WILL NOT be saved!" He spat , " tonight WILL BE your last night! A-NIGHT-WITHOUT-DAY" he shouted, saying everyword with great emphasis until I fell to the ground sobbing. I knew what this meant, that even though Damian was right on the other side of the door there was no gaurantee that I would come out of this ALIVE.





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