(chapter 6)

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Jason!dammit he was awake, I thought furiously.why couldn't anything just work out for me. I could have escaped but noooo he just had to wake up. My face reddend with anger. But I was very afraid. My shoulders sagged in defeat and I shrugged jasons hand off my shoulder and walked over to my bed where I sat down in defeat.

"Oh don't look so glum el," jason had said. An infuriating grin plastered across his face. I ignored jason, letting my thoughts take over. I needed to be strong, not weak and pathetic. I needed to escape. I needed help.


 I felt a vibration under my thigh. I used my hand to feel what was under my leg and felt something rough, I slowly pulled out a heart shaped charm dat was attached to a few crystals. Oh my god, how could I have forgotten about my cellphone. I must have fallen asleep using it. It was hidden underneath my blanket no wonder jason didn't hear it vibrate. This was my chance, I could use my fone to call for help. But jason would hear my buttons. I slipped my phone up my sleeve and hid it there as I walked to the bathroom. "Where do you think your going?" He asked looking at me.

I tried to calm myself afraid he would see right through me. "I need to use the bathroom" I said. He eyed me carefully before, " what are you holding?" He said,getting up and walking towards me. I froze, afraid he would find me holding my cellphone " n-nothing" I said. He looked at me amused " how stupid do you think I am? I can see your holding something." He said lifting up my hand that held the phone. Panic crept through my body, I needed to come up with a good lie before he realises what's in my hand and ruins my last chance of getting help. I pulled my hand away from his and said " Its a tampon, if you must know, I need to check". I hurried to the bathroom leaving him confused for a few seconds before he flashed infront of me stopping me dead in my tracks. He sniffed the air like a dog, grabbed me by the throat and pushed me against the bathroom door. I struggled to get free unable to breathe as he roared with anger "what do take me for? An idiot ?" He shouted.

"I-i don't know what-" I stammered.

"Don't give me that!" He roared.

"Give you what?" I cowered, pushing myself deeper into the wall.

"When I said I was the prince of darkness, what did you think I meant?" He said, flashing his canines at me.

Realisation finally dawned upon me. I knew what he was. Why he was so abnormally fast and strong. Why I was so afraid. Why he bit me. He was a vampire. I wasn't imagining it. He was real. Vampires existed. And now he was here to kill me. I looked at him fear burning in my eyes as he let go of my throat. I staggered trying to get my balance when he grabbed me and shoved me againsyt the door once again. He placed his hands on either side of me and lowered his face to mine. He was so close I could feel his breathe on my face as he sniffed me this time. " I can smell blood from a mile away. And you are lying," he scowled. " Tell me what's in your hand?" He questioned once again.

I prayed, as I let my phone slide down my hand leaving me holding my sleeve. He grew more agitated and tool my hand and felt it. He seemed to calm down when he found nothing. And opened the bathroom door for me. "Don't even think about trying to escape" he said.

" I won't" I replied, slowly allowing the fone to slide down to my hand again , catching it in my palm. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. And waited till I heard him walk away. I opened the tap and let the water run making a gushing noise. I took my fone out of my sleeve and started texting

"Help me! Please! in truble... my room. Please help! ! ! Don't reply.  Ella"

Broadcast message to silla, ava, damian. My best friends. Hopefully they won't think its a hoax and ignore it.

Oh god please let them see their messages. Please. I looked at my phone once more and saw that all three of them had read their messages. Help was on its way. I flushed the toilet closed the tap and once again hid my phone. I opened the bathroom door and braced myself as I walked back into the torture that awaited me.   





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