Chapter Forty-Six

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"We're going with you," she stated quietly as she folded her hands in her lap to hide the way they were trembling.

Lord Elrond looked up from his book and raised a single fine brow. "Oh? May I ask why?"

"You know why," she accused without ever raising her voice. "It was your vision that you shared. It is your friend who wrote to us of this Hobbit and his other life. I must know for myself if this holds any truth."

Lord Elrond's calm expression never wavered. "Do you plan to bring Estel?"

She nodded. "Yes. I would like to see how he takes to this Hobbit and his Dwarves."

"You plan to do more than that," Lord Elrond said gently, reading her as easily as ever.

She flinched but still kept her head held up high. "Correct. If this Hobbit consents, then I would like him to foster Estel until he reaches Manhood."

Lord Elrond gray eyes darkened into the color of iron. "Do you really think that is wise? Rivendell has been his home for a long time. In many ways, it is the only home he has ever known. Do you really wish to rip him away from all of that?"

"If it is what's best for him, then I shall do so," she replied, digging her nails into the soft flesh of her palms to keep them from shaking. She was not scared of Lord Elrond and she knew he would never hurt her, but he still intimidated her very much. He was a highly respected Lord among the Elves and he held more power than she ever would. That power was what both drew her to Rivendell and made her flinch away when she met his eyes.

Lord Elrond's eyes remained steely. "And you do not think he would be fine here? With me? Have I not done enough for the both of you? I have watched over and cared for that boy as if he were one of my own sons. Losing him will hurt just as badly as a sword to my heart."

She was not moved.

"I will always be grateful for what you have done for my son and me," she acknowledged, tilting her head down slightly in submission. "I will never be able to repay such a kindness even if I were to live a thousand years. But do not think that your feelings matter more to me than the wellbeing of my son. I have sacrificed much for him, and I will sacrifice much more to ensure that he grows into the Man he is meant to be."

Lord Elrond's gaze did not waver but she could see how stiff the corner of his lips had become.

"Besides," she continued, raising her eyes from his lips back to his eyes, "if I can watch my son grow to love you more than I, then you can handle watching him leave."

Lord Elrond's eyes widened before his whole face softened. "My lady, you know that is not true. Estel loves you very much."

"I do not doubt that he loves me," she reassured, nodding. "But he does not love me most. You hold that place in his heart."

He had nothing to say to that because they both knew it was true.

"I know that taking him away from you and Rivendell will hurt him," she added, straightening her spine and forcing herself to stand taller as if it would make her seem like the strong Woman she pretended to be. "But that is a hurt he must learn. We cannot shelter him forever; he must learn to stand strong on his own."

"And you believe that this Hobbit will teach him that?" Lord Elrond questioned quietly.

She shook her head. "I will not know until I meet him for myself. But if he can teach him this strength, then I would have him share it with Estel."

Lord Elrond stared at her for a long time. When he finally spoke again, it was with a tone of resignation. "I understand. I will bring you with us when we depart for Erebor."

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