0.6~ The Walk

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Adelaide's POV~
It was the second day of LA and we were getting ready to go out for lunch, we were going to the earth cafe which was apparently a really nice cafe. Last night was fun, we all went out to a club and I think Aria may have had a bit to much to drink as she passed out, meaning Luke and louis had to carry her back to the hotel.
"Aria are you ready yet" I said while walking into the bathroom
"Nearly, just brushing my teeth"
"Do you need any more paracetamol, I'll run down to the shop I you want"
"No I'm fine, I feel good now" she replied while wiping her mouth clean. We had put our bikinis on under our shorts and crop top, just incase we went to the pool straight after lunch. We met up with the guys soon after and headed to the cafe and Louis was right, it was really nice, the food was quite healthy but it was tasty. For the rest of the day we stayed by the pool and the bar which was in the hotel. We stayed in for dinner and ordered room service, we got four pizzas and shared then between us all. We chatted and talked about everything at home and life basically
"I'm gonna head of, I'm shattered" Louis said while standing up and grabbing his phone and shoes
"Alright mate, I won't be long" Luke replied
"Byyee" I also replied but Aria didn't reply she just smiled awkwardly. Once he had left me and Luke integrated her
"Why didn't you say bye to louis" Luke asked her
"What, I did" Aria said
"You didn't, what happened between you to"
"Yeah when I came in yesterday I could feel the awkwardness between the two of you"
"Fine, yesterday when you two were talking he muttered something under his breath, I thought he called me beautiful but he didn't he said I 'misheard him' so now it's just awkward because I was so happy he called me beautiful but he didn't" she looked so sad
"I think you should tell him" Luke said quickly
"Why, it'll just be even more awkward then" Luke smiled
"Just talk to him I think he'll understand, anyway I'm off cya later"
"Cya" I said while standing up and giving him a hug
"Yeah cya later" Aria also said standing up and hugging him. Me and Aria watched TV for a while until we got super tired
"I'm heading to bed" Aria said yawning
"Okay so am I" I replied getting up of the sofa. Just the we heard a knock at the door
"Who's that, it's like half 3 in the morning" I said looking confused
"I'll get it, probably the hotel people" I didn't hear anything but then I heard Aria say 'oh it's you' then she came around the corner and told me its for me. When I got to the door I saw Luke stood there with two jumpers in his hand
"Luke?" I asked wondering what he was doing here
"Can we go for a walk" he said while holding out his hand for me to take, I looked back at Aria and she nodded
"Erm.. I guess but it's like 3?"
"Exactly, the best time for beach walks" I loved beach walks, I had never been on one but I had seen them in movies and they were so romantic. I grabbed his hand and he lead me out of the hotel and onto the beach.

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