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Right now, Celine is currently walking to Trocadero where everyone else is, as Noemie notice's her.

"Hey, Cel!" She said, waving towards her, catching some of the other's attention.

"Hey guys." Celine waved back, as she noticed someone is missing. "Marinette's not here, yet?"

"You know how she is, she's always running late." Alya shrug, bringing out her phone "Hold on, let me call her." 

Celine turned towards Noemie and Elyna.

"She totally forgot, didn't she?" Celine asks.

"I'm not surprised though." Elyna shrug her shoulders, before noticing someone, as she smirk. "Hey Celine, there's someone who wants to talk to you~"


Celine turned around to see Arthur walking towards her and her friends.

"Bonjour, Celine." He said, as he boldly took her had in his, giving a swift peck on the knuckles.

Adrien, Nino, Alya, Noemie, and Elyna watch from the sidelines with astonished faces, as Celine shyly took her hand back.

"Ahem! Good morning Arthur." She said, her face still slightly red, as Arthur chuckles.

"You seem to miss me already, forgive my sudden appearance, I don't know what came over me." He said, making her bashfully smile.

"Woah, was that smooth or was that smooth?" Alya asks.

"Definitely smooth." Elyna replied.

Marinette then arrived, holding a rolled up banner, as she unrolled it, as everyone showered her with complements.

"Impressive, Marinette!" Adrien winks, as Marinette giggles in return.

"You all pick the wrong side to cheer on, looks like Alix isn't even showing up, probably too chicken to race an extreme athlete like me." Kim smugly states, crossing his arms.

"Spoke too soon, Kim." Alix said, as she roll over, as everyone cheers her on. "You're ridiculous bets are over, I'm gonna leave you in the dust, meathead!"

"You're no match for me, my neck is bigger than your thigh." Kim said.

"Is that a good thing?" Alya comments, as Marinette and Celine laugh, as Max walks between Kim and Alix.

"Let's review the official rules, two laps around the fountains, approximately five-hundred yards, the first one over the lines declared the victor! if Kim triumphs, Alix will relinquish her rollerblades to him, if Alix triumphs, Kim will be prohibited from making another dare for the rest of the school year." Max said.

"We're through with all of those stupid dares!" Juleka exclaims.

"Uh-huh, that's right!" Ivan agrees.

"No more dares!" Nathaniel cheers.

"Make him eat dust, Alix!" Elyna said.

"On your marks..." Max said with open arms, as the two of them got into their positions, as Max raise his hands. "Get set..."

"Hold up!" Alix interrupts, making Kim fall face first into the ground, as everyone laugh, while Kim got up like nothing happened.

"Forfeiting already?" He asks, smirking, as Alix ignores him and skates over to Alya, making him confused.

"Hold on to this for me, will you, Alya?" Alix said, as she hand's Alya her watch. "I don't want to drop it during the race."

Alix begin to rolling off, as Alya looks at the watch in her hands.

Miraculous: Tales of Scarlet and Phantom (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now