The Evillustrator

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Everyone is in the laboratory, as Ms. Mendeleiev was teaching. Celine glance at Nathaniel, who was drawing in his sketchbook and daydreaming. She was about to whisper to him, but Ms. Mendeleiev beat her to it.

"Nathaniel!" She said, slamming her hand onto the desk. "What are you drawing?"

Nathaniel stutter, unsure how to answer her, as Ms. Mendeleiev took his drawings.

"And these artistic endeavors are clearly why you are failing science." She said, dropping the drawings, narrowing his eyes at the red haired boy.

"I'm sorry..." He meekly apologized.

"You go march yourself down to the principal's office, and show him that that chicken scratch!" Ms. Mendeleiev said, as Nathaniel pack his things. "Then you'll be really sorry!"

As Nathaniel was about to leave, he trips over Mylene's bag, dropping his comic book, as it show's Nathaniel hugging Marinette, as the class gasps. Ms. Mendeleiev picked Nathaniel up, as Chloe took his comic and look at it.

"Ooh, look Sabrina, it's him as a superhero! And look who he's saving, it's Marinette!" She said, making Marinette gasp. "He is so totally crushing on you, Marinette!"

"Gimme that!" Nathaniel said, grabbing his book back, causing Chloe to rip out a page.

"Enough! Nathaniel, go!" Ms. Mendeleiev sternly said, pointing at the door,  as Nathaniel leave.

Celine watch Nathaniel go with sad eyes, knowing hot to feel that second-hand embarrassment. Ms. Mendeleiev continue to teach as if nothing happened, she then turned to the group, announcing a group project.

"The next particle physics presentation group is...Nino, Adrien, Arthur, and Alya." She announced.

Adrien and Nino fist bumped, while Arthur just yawns as Marinette gasp.

"So lucky!" She whispered to Alya.

"And then, Sabrina, Chloe, Celine, and Marinette." Ms. Mendeleiev, making Marinette and Alya gasps, as the bluenette groan, slumping her head on the desk.

"So unlucky." Alya said, giving her a sympathetic pat on the back.

Celine knows very well that Chloe and Sabrina dislikes her, and often bully or tease her, but Marinette get's it the worst, once your best and closes friend, turn against her into and enemy, and Marinette feels the same way, viewing Celine as her enemy as well. Celine have nothing against Marinette, she wanted Marinette and Adrien to get together, but Marinette thinks she's being selfish by stealing her crush, when in reality, she's actually being the selfish one. She had always put her family and friends first, Marinette had misunderstood, thinking that Celine has a crush for Adrien, but she put her crush for him before their friend any day. Celine doesn't have feeling's for Adrien, to him, he's like her brother, she has eyes for another Agreste. She then glance at Arthur who wasn't happy at the way her friend giving her the cold shoulder. He was glaring dagger at hers, he had a feeling since day one she would act this way, as Chloe raise her hand.

"Uh, miss? Can't you add them to another group? Sabrina and I work much better on our own." She said, as Ms. Mendeleiev put her hand on her hips.

"This is a group presentation not pairs! Deal with it!" She sternly said, as Chloe clench her jaws.

"I hate dealing with it!" She grumbles, as the bell then rings, causing everyone to grab the bags and head out of class.

"You wouldn't be willing to trade groups would you?" Marinette asks Alya, hoping she would say yes, as she place a hand on her shoulder.

"And deal with that twosome of terror ? Sorry, besides, you have Celine with you." Alya smiled, as Marinette sighs.

"That's who I also don't want to be around with..." She muttered, as Celine heard it before walking out of the class with a sad frown.

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