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Inside Ms. Bustier's classroom, everyone was doing their part in making a movie. Right now, the two main characters were being played by Adrien and Mylene, as they held two toy guns.

"Agent Smith, it's too dangerous, we must evacuate!" Adrien acted.

"You're suggesting we run, Officer Jones? After it devoured my family, my friends, even my beloved dog, Sniffles? Never! I won't run! I no longer fear it, I'm going to face it, then I'll-WWAAHHHH!!" Mylene acted, before she screamed.

"Cut!" Nino said, as Ivan is wearing a monster costume, causing Mylene hide under the desk, afraid.

Ivan then took his mask off.

"Sorry Mylene." He apologizes.

"Mylene! That's like, the tenth take, and we're only on the first scene!" Nino said, frustrated.

"Fourteenth actually, but who's counting?" Alix corrected with a smirk, holding up the clapperboard, making Nino groan in dismay.

"I'm...sorry." Mylene apologizes looking around at her classmates irritated faces. "I'm gonna do better on the next take, I promise."

Juleka is currently touching up Adrien's cheek with a make up brush, as Nino shook his head in exaspesration.

"Anyone want some tea?" Rose asks, trying to cheer everyone up.

"I'll take it." Noemie raise her hand.

"You're playing a hero from the special forces, you're not supposed to get all freaked out." Nino said.

"I know, but...that monster mask he's wearing is so...realistic and scary!" Mylene said, hiding her face underneath the table.

"Just big ol' me, Mylene, nothing to be scared of!" Ivan said, playing with his mask.

"Ugh, if you ask me, he doesn't need a mask!" Chloe mocks, as she and Sabrina laugh.

Two ball of papers were then throw at them, as they looked where they come from. Arthur stood next to Jean as he whistle innocently, making Celine, Marinette, and Alya giggle quietly.

"Ivan, put the mask back on, you're playing the monster! And Mylene, we need you to stay in character!" Nino instructed, as Ivan put his mask back on, but it only scares Mylene again.

"I need to sing my happy song, it always make me feel better..." She said, as she begin to sing, walking backwards. "Smelly wolf, smelly wolf, stinky breath and slimy-"

She accidentally bumps into Adrien, scaring her again, making her scream.

"And the Oscar for best pathetic scaredy cat, afraid of it's own shadows, goes to...Mylene!" Chloe mocks, laughing at her again, as Adrien tried to comfort Mylene, glaring at Chloe.

"Chloe, seriously?" He said, as Chloe scoffs.

"Yeah, so what?" She said, not giving a care.

Having enough, Mylene runs off of the classroom crying.

"Mylene!" Celine called out to her.

"Anyone gonna go after her?" Marinette asks anyone.

"Mylene, wait!" Ivan said, taking his mask off before going after her.

After he left, Nino began to argue Chloe for ruining everything...again, especially for making fun of Mylene.

"Epic, Chloe! Just epic! What are we supposed to do now without our leading actress?" Nino angrily questioned.

"Who needs her anyway? She was totally lame." Chloe commented.

"You're lame! Mylene is crying her eyes out in the bathroom thanks to you!" Ivan angrily said.

Miraculous: Tales of Scarlet and Phantom (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now