An Idea Of Sorts

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"Is there something wrong, Mom?"

Amanda and ASD both sat in chairs, watching as Calliedora paced back and forth in front of them deep in thought.

"I haven't seen her this animated in a long time..." ASD murmured.

Calliedora stops. The air is tense, waiting for the reveal of her latest idea. Amanda and ASD watch her earnestly as Calliedora gathers her thoughts and takes a deep breath. It's rare for her to be so enthusiastic about something these days that, when she is, it's a spectacle for everyone.

"Alright, listen closely. It's been a long journey (almost 30 years) of finding a way to bring back my beloved son, Petey. No matter how close to success my attempts at bringing him back have been, the results are always the same: failure. I have always been able to bounce back, though. However, today I believe I have the perfect solution; the solution that will fix everything!!!"

Calliedora had a determined look on her face, certain that her latest scheme would guarantee her son's revival. Her smile grew bigger with each passing second, her fur slightly frazzled with excitement.

"My dear and loving children...take the time to consider...



Amanda sat there puzzled. Was that even possible? Do alternate dimensions even exist? Mama had some crazy ideas, but this one probably was the strangest of all, not to mention the most farfetched.

Meanwhile, ASD was unfazed. It's only a matter of time before that old bat goes completely insane (then again, who's to say that she hasn't already?)

"Think about it: Why focus on the limits of this universe when we have an infinite amount of worlds waiting to be explored?!? There has got to be a universe where my son is alive...all I have to do is go to it and...borrow him" Calliedora grinned. Her tail waved around in the air, eager to hear a response.

Well, what is a good way to tell your mama that this plan sounds like the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard? Amanda squirms in her chair, her tail tucked underneath. "Uh, that...sounds great...but..."

"It sounds impossible and kinda stupid." ASD blurted out.

"ASD!!" Amanda exclaimed.

"What? It is!! Calliedora can't even build crap yet wants to make something that can travel through universes..."

"You're the one to talk; I made you!" Calliedora sneered.

"Yeah, and look at me! I'm about the same age as Amanda and still look like a 5 year old..." ASD fired back.

"Well, you're still functioning fine. Anyways, yes, it is a bit concerning how difficult figuring this all out will be. However, I'm sure that I'll be able to figure it out." Callie reassures. ASD huffs and sulks in her chair. It's a bit of a touchy subject for her.

"I'll definitely need to call up Denny for possible blueprints and research on the subject matter, and you'll definitely need to make a few trips to the warehouse, Amanda..." Callie rambles, already making plans and accommodations.

Amanda frowns when she mentions the warehouse. Who knows how guarded that place will be now since she got caught last time? But, then again, maybe it wouldn't be a completely bad thing...maybe, if she were really careful...oh, but she isn't supposed to-

"Got something on your mind, Amanda? I haven't heard much of your thoughts on this new scheme."

Her ears perked up, looking at ASD in surprise. A light hue of pink sneaks up on Amanda's face. It's as if ASD had heard her thoughts.

"Oh, uh, nah, not sounds...interesting, I guess..." she murmured.

ASD replied "Ah, well are you up to going to the warehouse again or do you want me to go with you? We could probably sneak some materials early in the morning!"

Amanda shook her head. "I'm fine, I'll just put on my big girl pants and get the job done!!"

"You don't even wear pants."

"Yeah I know :P."

"Alright then." Calliedora interjects, "It is time to get some rest. I will provide more details as soon as I can...have a good night!"

ASD and Amanda stand up and start walking out of the room, only for Callie to put a hand on her daughter's shoulder, stopping her in her tracks. Amanda tenses up for a moment, then turns to beam at her mother. "Hey mom, what's up?" she inquired, trying her best to be enthusiastic.

Callie speaks in a whisper "Amanda...are you sure that you will not get caught the next time that I send you out there? I cannot have the police suspect that anything is going on, especially when I could be this close to saving him..." The quiet but desperate tone she takes made Amanda want to crawl and hide. No matter how many ideas her mom gets, big or small, she treats each and every one of them very seriously. She has faith that her mother could do the impossible. If she didn't, how could she be considered a good daughter?

Amanda gives her mom a confident smile. "Don't worry, Mama, I got this!! I'll be extra careful the next time I go!"

"Good. I expect nothing but the best from you, my dear." Calliedora grinned. "And quit calling me Mama, we've talked about this."

Amanda simply nods and Calliedora leaves, leaving the calico cat to her thoughts.

I'll be on my best behavior, Mama. I learn from my mistakes all the time!! Besides, I think we can get what we both want without any trouble next time...

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