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Livingroom in Chuuya's apartament


Dazai is lying on couch again in Chuuya's livingroom. Its still dark outside, altough the sun is slowy waking up. Dazai shifted slightly to find a more comfortable position on the couch, but he was still tired and groggy from yesterday's events. He could tell that Chuuya was still awake, his eyes closed but his body tense and alert. Dazai felt a pang of annoyance; he didn't want to be dependent on Chuuya's kindness, but there was no other option.

As the sky outside slowly became lighter, Dazai's thoughts began to wander. He was still trying to process everything that had happened in recent events, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something. Everything about mission Mori gave them was suspcious. It must have deeper meaning behind it. Why would that old man decide to send them to U.A while they could just get into No.2 pro hero agency, do dirty work and leave? Why that much work? There must be something...

Dazai looked up at the sky and felt a sense of unease creeping up on him. Something seemed off about this mission. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew there had to be more to it than what met the eye. He couldn't shake the feeling that they were being used for something larger than just a simple mission. And why send them to U.A. of all places? It all seemed too coincidental, too planned out.

Wait, I may know what's going on. He finnaly thought to himself, with fast move he took his long black trench coat and walked out of Chuuya's apartament.

-"Where that idiot went again?" -Ginger muttered to himself as he decided to continue sleeping on couch.

Ginger sat up with a yawn, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he tried to figure out where brunet had gone off to. It seemed that his friend had a habit of disappearing without a trace. (It happens more then common)

As Chuuya got up from the couch, he noticed that Dazai had left the door open. He sighed and muttered to himself -"That idiot never learns to close the door."

He stepped outside and looked around his familiar neighborhood, hoping to spot certain suicidal person somewhere. But he didn't see him anywhere.

It was clear that Dazai had gone out again. Ginger let out an annoyed sigh - he knew how Dazai likes to keep running off to unknown places. He should have learned by now that it's not safe to be walking around by himself.

-"I swear, that idiot is going to get himself killed one of these days." Ginger muttered to himself. After few seconds Chuuya decided to correct himself. Some people will be killed by him in one of these days. But shorter teenager have no interest in looking for him. After all his partner in crime have his own life and things to do.

-"That dumbass know something for sure, but he wan't tell anything to me, for sure." -Chuuya said to himself.

Ginger was getting frustrated with Dazai's frequent disappearances. It was always the same story - Dazai would abruptly leave without any warning, only to turn up again days later with some absurd excuse for his absence. Ginger couldn't help but worry about him - his antics were bound to get him into trouble one day. And its worst when it happens on long-term missions. Can you understand how annoying it is when his partner gets some kind of stupid idea and dissapers without any trace, while leaving Chibi witout any clues what he found out?

I can certainly can understand Ginger's frustration with Dazai's frequent disappearances. It must be very worrying for Chuuya when Dazai abruptly leaves without warning and doesn't provide any information about his whereabouts. Shorter teenager cares a lot about his partner's well-being and doesn't want to see him get in trouble as a result of his antics. It must also be difficult for him to continue the mission without any idea of what Dazai might have found. Chuuya does his best to try and understand Dazai's thought process and figure out where he might have gone, but he knows that Dazai can be unpredictable and hard to figure out.

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