Dramatic resurrection

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Somewhere in Mustafu


After 2 hours, and bonus 15 minutes of Chuuya's swearing they left car. Hirotsu hended them their new fake documents, Mori's credit card, (He looked at Dazai suspciously while hending it) keys to apartament and rest of bags, then with short goodbye he drove away leaving two teenagers for themself.

Dazai, with his characteristic nonchalant expression, accepted the documents and credit card from Hirotsu, ignoring the suspicious glance. Chuuya, on the other hand, couldn't resist muttering a few more choice words under his breath, earning an amused smirk from brunet.

As Hirotsu drove away, leaving them standing by their new hause, Dazai turned to shorter teenager with a sly grin. -"Well, Slug, looks like we've got a fresh start. A new city, new identities, and Mori's generous credit card. What could possibly go wrong?"

Chuuya shot him a glare, still irritated by the whole situation. -"Don't get too comfortable, Mackrel. We're not here for a vacation."

-"As long as I don't need to see Mori's face its already counted as blessing." -Dazai answered with visible smile on his face. Yeah, he hated their Boss a lot.

Dazai's grin widened as he scanned the surroundings, taking in the unfamiliar streets and the distant skyline of the city. The air of anticipation hung between them, a mixture of uncertainty and the thrill of starting anew.

Ginger rolled his eyes at Dazai's disdain for Mori, but he couldn't deny the truth in his partner's words. A new city, new identities, and Mori's seemingly bottomless credit card did offer them a fresh start, at least on the surface. Yet, Chuuya couldn't shake off the feeling that trouble was just around the corner.

The two walked towards their new home, a modest yet comfortable residence that Hirotsu had arranged for them. As they entered, Dazai couldn't resist making a dramatic gesture, spreading his arms wide.

-"Well, Hatrack, welcome to our humble abode. What do you think? A vast improvement from our previous accommodations, wouldn't you say?"

Chuuya huffed, unamused by Dazai's theatrics. -"Just remember, we're here to lay low. No unnecessary attention, no reckless moves."

Dazai nodded, his grin fading into a more serious expression. -"I know, I know. Lay low, keep a low profile, and avoid attracting the wrong kind of attention. We've been through this before, haven't we, Chuuya?"

As they looked around apartament it seemed nice, at least enough for two of them. Living room with a small kitchenette, bathroom and bedroom. There is no tragedy. Maybe even Dazai could call it a break from living in a container?

The living room of their new abode was bathed in warm sunlight streaming through the partially drawn curtains. The walls were adorned with simple yet tasteful artwork, and the furniture, while not extravagant, exuded an air of comfort. Dazai wandered towards the small kitchenette, inspecting the amenities with a sense of satisfaction.

-"Chibi, my friend, we've struck gold. This kitchenette might be compact, but it has everything a culinary genius like myself needs," -Dazai declared with a twinkle in his eye. (Second is covered with bandages)

Chuuya rolled his eyes, already regretting the decision to let Dazai handle the living arrangements. - "Just don't burn the place down, and we'll be fine."

I must say that letting Dazai into kitchen, with hope that he wan't burn anything, is pretty low.

As they explored the apartment, it became apparent that this was indeed a refreshing change from their previous nomadic lifestyle. The bathroom was clean and functional, and the bedroom offered a decent amount of privacy. Dazai couldn't help but marvel at the fact that they finally had a proper bed instead of makeshift sleeping arrangements.

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