5. ꜱʜɪꜰᴀ'ꜱ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏᴠᴇʀ'ꜱ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ

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Ishan's POV:

Shahid dragged me all of a sudden and told me everything about shuhaib and shifa's conversation, i was confused for a second cuz i heard they were cousins but didnt except them to be so close . Shahid also added that he is going to abraod tomorrow.
"ALL OF A SUDDEN!!?? WHAT HAPPEND?" i ask him almost stunned and he explains that he got a call from his dad earlier telling he  gotta step into his father's business as the next-in-line heir and he found a reason to make himself built up.

"Huh, Built up? What do you meant by that?" i ask him curiously. He reply to me in a serious tone "Well, i just wanna stand on my own feet so that my parents dont have to give up infront of my uncle and aunt who are next in line to the business property." I heard from Shahid that once his uncle tried to betray his parents but they couldnt because Saif (Shahid's father) had a high authority's support.

I ask him if he lost any hope with Shifa, he replies "She deserves better, but I can't see her with anyone else, so I have to become better. Only His Almighty knows how much i like her, if we are meant for each other he will surely unite us so i have given all my hopes to His Almighty Allah". I froze for a second, Shahid? the one who havent put any hope into His Almighty before?? I feel like he is totally a different person right now but i like this version of my friend.

"Between why were u calling her a sly pretty one?" He asks me teasingly, i avoid his question as i ask him if i can tag along with him to abroad. I know he wouldnt agree because i wont be having any position over there since i havent completed my degree yet but HE AGREES!! He even told me he is gonna give me a position in his company. I hug him like a child and i could hear him take his words back. But he couldnt take it back after I mentioned how I once assisted their company in programming. Hehe his company needs a programmer who they can rely on!

Later the teacher's came back from the meeting. We all go back to our classes. I alert my mind saying that this is our last day of university life. Its almost time to go home and start packing my stuff for tomorrow's trip.

We were in the parking lot where Shahid's car were parked. We were about to drive off, but suddenly he lets out himself from the car. I rush to him looking puzzled as i saw him stare at a girl. It was Shifa, i could see a boy...wait...it was shuhaib...they were going in the same car.

I tell him "Dont worry i dont think they are into each other, because from what Shifa told earlier that she aint interested into anyone and how she is not gonna date anyone after her ex".
He replies with a low tone "Yeah... even if she is into someone.....i will let her go....because....i like her" I could feel a small crack in his reply as i give him a small pet on his shoulder. We go back as shahid drews the car.

Nahima's POV:

We heard from shifa as to how her ex made all those commotion with her brother. Me and Tanisha said goodbye to shifa and shuhaib as they drove off in the car. We were walking when i noticed Shahid and that so-called hun guy. I stood for a second seeing them stare at shifa especially Shahid, his gaze were fixed on both of them who was sitting in the car. Well i guess i mistook it for a second. There is no way Shahid staring at a girl who is not even interested in him.....but why do i get this weird feeling....

I look at Tanisha, who is standing beside me, and she asks, "Is it just me, or did you sense something?" My eyes widen as I respond to her, so it wasn't just me who sensed it, Ishan patting Shahid, who almost appeared gloomy." We exchange glances as we try to process something, and I ask her, "So the one he was looking at during the football match.....wasn't Shifana?"
"But it was.....Shifa..?" Tanisha responds right away.

We look confused and suddenly, as i add another thing "Do you think that so-called-hun guy who approached us earlier to get information about Shifa was because of.......Shahid?" Tanisha and i glances at each other and to investigate it from tomorrow onwards as we promise to each other not to let shifa know about this. We are going to spy on Shahid, if it becomes too obvious we"ll confront Shahid and Ishan.

Shifa's POV:

I reached home!! I greet my umma (mother) finally i can meet my dad who came back from business trip. I rush to the room as i drop my bag and was on my way to the office room to greet my father but my mom confronts me in between telling me to go wash up. "Ummaa pleaseee i just want to greet him, u have no idea how much i missed him" Ammi replies "Sweety, ur dad is still buzy and is in a meeting right now, u can't just barge into the office room right now, so wash up and by the time the meeting may get over so go and wash up quickly"

I lazyly go back to my room and take a bath. I dress up and apply the attar, because my dad is a big fan of attar especially arab attar's. So he gifts me attar whenever he comes back from his business trip and i began to like it as well. I rush to my abu's office room. I opened the door all too excietely but the sight of the room made my heart skip a beat.

I saw my 3 BROTHERS STANDING INFRONT OF MY DAD. SHUHAIB TALKING TO MY OTHER 2 BROTHER....Shitt!!!. I hope they werent talking about anything related to my ex. I could see my Abu peeking at me, his face lit up forming a wide smile on his face as a result of my entrance.

I break up the silence in the room as i rush into my Abu's arm saying "Assalamualaikum Abu, You have no idea as to how much i missed you" he replies me with "Walaikumussalam My dear, I missed our arrogant girl too" after we exchange hugs i hear few scoffs, i turn to my brothers who are already annoyed by me. "Well i know you guys are jealous, hehe jelly people" as my Abu supports me saying "Yhyh Jelly people". My brother's go back to their business talks while me and dad keep chitchatting.

My dad questions me "Did ur attar got over? the one i gave u last time?" i reply to him "Yes Abu, so i bought this yesterday" And i could see him taking out an Arab Attar package and giving it to me looking all too luxurious and expensive . Awww he bought my favourite one.

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