At the crack of dawn the sun peaks out from behind mountain tops. You can see the first rays of the sun grace the Earth. Before your eyes, the clouds become lit with a fabulous, warm light as the rising sun announces the coming of a new day. I woke up at the sunrise with its rays hitting my room's window ..feeling really drained like I'm running out of fumes ,pushing through the day with eyelids heavier than anvils. I had to wake up though I had to go to school's been weeks since I've been there after the accident I've had ..I felt lost ..I still do ..i already lost my memory after that traumatic accident....I have no idea what to feels like there's nothing I wanna do to live ..I keep telling my parents that if I die I don't want them to be sad cuz my insides were already dead ..I just fell asleep .
"Adam !are you up ?" Mom gasped from downstairs."yeah mom I'll be right there "I headed downstairs for breakfast even though I didn't feel like eating at all . I headed right to my applied arts school probably that's the only thing that makes my mind busy and away from any suicidal thoughts ..I held my brush and started painting the assignment we had didn't go really well though but i guess the effort was worth it .