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Author's Pov:

But before he could touch the frame his phone started to ring making him flinched badly...

He held his phone and saw his grandma was calling him...he attend the call...

On the Call...

Tae:"hello maa...."he said shivering a bit

Granny:"baby where are you...the weather is not good...tell me where are you..your papa will pick you up its going to be night soon......"she said worriedly...and tae chuckled...

Tae:"maa im fine...dont worry about staying at this man- at a house for the time soon as the rain stopped i will come back on my own down worry about me okay......"he said and his grandma said okay and cut the call....

He dont know why he didnt tell his grandma that's he's in some mansion and not in some felt like someone is stopping him from doing so.....but he shrugged it off and looked outside the window its already evening and its going to be night soon he have to go now.....he last time looked at the covered frame and went out of the room hurriedly...

He sighed and looked down at his clothes which were wet...he wrapped his scarf around himself as his clothes were stick to his body....

Tae:"i dont think the rain will stopped any time soon...i should go home it will be night soon and there will be no street light here in jungle......"he said to himself and walk out of the mansion...

He dont know why he's feeling sad leaving the mansion like something is stopping him from not going but he ignored this unknown feeling and went outside...

The rain was pouring heavily and it was dark outside and there wasn't much light on the road side...he again tried to start his scooty but it didnt start making tae pout...he decided to leave his scooty by the mansion and started to walk....

There was only jungle on both of his sides making him shuddered in fear as there will be so many wild animals there...what if someone attacked him??....and the cloud was thundering and the breeze was chilly making tae shiver badly....

He finally went out of the jungle and few houses came into his view but there was not a single human on his sight...he started walking but suddenly 2 drunk man stood infront of him out of nowhere....

Man1:" oh what a beauty like you doing here at this time that too in rain...finding someone for fun..."he said looking at tae up and down licking his lips...tae gulped seeing them...

Man2:"waah looked at those sexy curves...put away this scarf let us see the treasure hide behind it...aahh im already hard just by seeing his face..."he said lauging hard...

Tae:"shut up and get lost from here..."he said and started to walk he was so scared as he never face a situation like this before...but one of the man held his arm tightly making him hiss in pain...his eyes brim with tears....

Tae:"leavee dare you...leave my arm..."he shouted trying to take his arm away from the man's grip but the man just laughed and leans closer to tae...

Man2:"aahhh fierce one i seee....i like it will be fun devouring you..."he said smirking and the other man snatched tae's scarf making tae eyes widen and his body started trembling badly with both fear and cold.....

The man pushed tae on the road and he started crawling back tears welled up in his eyes...making the man laugh more...

Man1:"now that's what i like more...a scared cry baby....yes darling cry more.....while we enjoy tasting you....cry more and begged more our mercy....."he said and held tae's legs who shout and cried...kicking his legs...

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