Chapter 4 🥀🥀

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Author's Pov

Tae's body was shivering badly and he was crying hard covering his ears shouting in fear as the voices in his head getting louder and louder making his head hurt and heart beat like crazy....

Tae:"p-please stoppp hurts p-please....who are you please s-stop....."he was saying this again n again while crying badly and his breathing started to get uneven... but he flinched hard and shrieked in fear when he felt a touch on his shoulder....

He jolt and turned around and scream when he saw a tall figure towering him....he couldn't able to see who was it because of his blur vision....

Kook:"hey hey calm down butterfly its me...jungkook calm down its me..."he said crouching down to tae's level and tried to touch him who was so into his thoughts that he couldnt able to pin point what kook said and back away in fear when kook lift his hand to touch him....

Tae:"N-no please no stop..."he said backing away and kook sat down beside him...

Kook:"Butterfly...hey its me jungkook...listen to me its me jungkook dont be scared..."he again said and tae suddenly stopped crying and looked at him blinking his eyes to look at him properly and when he realised who it was he immediately hugged him fisting his shirt tightly and sobs hard...

Tae:"J-jungkook jungkook p-p-please.." he was chanting his name again n again snuggling more into his arms crying....kook pulled him in his lap and hugged him tightly....

Tae relaxed when he felt the warmth in kook's chest...trembling badly while clutching his shirt hardly in his smol fists...

Kook:"shh shh im here butterfly no need to be scared calm down..."he said and tae cried hard making kook worried hearing his painful cries...

Tae:"j-jungkook v-voices hurts please kook...."he was crying so hard that he couldn't able to form a single sentence properly.....

Kook:"butterfly calm down im here...first breath properly and then tell me what happened alright what makes you cry like that...did someone hurt you again??.."he asked softly caressing his hair pulling him more close grabbing his waist and tae just sobs while hiccuping badly..

Tae:"m-make it s-stop...t-the hurts p-please stop them..."he said again cried stuttering badly making kook hurt and he gently kiss his forehead while caressing his waist.....

Kook:"which voices baby.....look at me butterfly calm down im here...which voices where it hurts??..."he said and make tae face him who sniff cutely and looked at kook with teary eyes lips wobbling....

Tae:"i-i dont k-know...someone is c-calling my name...h-he's in p-pain...he's h-hurt...h-he...he want m-me to s-save him i dont know...please stop hurts..."he said in fear looking at kook with wide scared eyes tears still rolling down from his beautiful cheeks hurting kook and he hugged him tightly scared what if he dissappear....

Kook:"its okay calm down just look at me just listen to me and not the voices ok focus on my voice.....i can understand no need to be shouldn't have come in this area alone its not good for you..."he said softly caressing tae's cheeks who looked at kook confused....

Tae:"why what's wrong with this area...."he said confused and kook get shocked....

Kook:"you dont know what had happened here ???...."he asked and get amused when tae shooked his head innocently sniffing cutely....making kook cooed at him...

Kook:"hmm people said this area is haunted and whoever comes here they wont go out of here without getting hurt...."he said and tae get more confused....

Tae:"why?? What happend one told me anything about this place...i come here yesterday and my scooty suddenly stopped and then its starting raining heavily so i went inside this mansion...and today i came here to get my scooty back...."he said and looked at kook who was shocked...

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