Chapter 3: The Tool Shed

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John woke, screaming. He sat up and realised his pillow was soaked, as if he had been crying the whole night. John also took notice of sweat running down his face and made his way to the bathroom, where he splashed his face a few times to try get a hold of himself.

Eventually, he managed to calm himself, skipping breakfast. John made his way down the road to his place of work. A large farm with sprawling fields filled with several different vegetable patches. John greeted one of his fellow workers and began pulling out newly grown tomatoes out of the ground and placing them in a basket.

Around an hour later, the basket was full, and John had to go drop them off and fetch another basket. He reached the tools shed and pushed the door open. John grabbed the dangling light switch and pulled it. He found the second basket on the 3rd shelf. As he grabbed it, the ceiling light above him began to flicker.

John looked up, and as he did, the bulb shattered, and the tool shed door slammed shut. John, remembering his nightmare, started panicking and slamming his fist against the door, but it wouldn't budge. He began screaming for help, but his cries were quickly muffled by a pair of pale hands covering his mouth. John tried to fight back but was flung against the wall, sending various tools onto the floor.

The figure began strangling him, and through his squinting eyes, John knew he saw, the nun from his dream was pinning him against the wall. Now he could see her face. Her pale white skin and crooked nose and her eyes, oh god, her eyes. John felt like they were staring right into his soul. He didn't want this woman, no, this monster to be the last thing he ever saw so he began writhing and squirming.

John's efforts seemed to only amuse the nun as she began grinning, as it's smile grew wider this revealed dozens of jagged, razor sharp teeth. John was sure he could see blood stains of various colours.

The nun tightened her grip and John felt as if his neck was about to snap. He closed his eyes and accepted his fate. But it never came. John opened his eyes, and the nun was gone. He couldn't understand why or even if what happened was real.

Suddenly, the shed door swung open, and his boss, Mr Bennett, barged in. "Dorsey! What are you doing in here? John was still hyperventilating, and all he could do was just stare at where the nun just was.

A slap on the head from his boss helped John snap himself out of his trance. "Well, what happened?" said Mr Bennet. John quickly came up with a decent lie. "I fell over and knocked the shelf off the wall."

Bennett's frustrated expression didn't change. "You'd better watch yourself Doresy."I have no use for clumsy bastards like you." "Now get your ass of that floor and go help our new delivery man." "The fool dropped my shipment all over the ground." With that, Mr Bennett walked out.

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