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The clouds drifted lazily through the sky, revealing the moon.  A group of cats were gathered around a large tree, with a glowing, silver rock lodged into it's trunk.  black tom padded out of the group.

     "Warriors of StarClan," the tom meowed.  "We have come to share tongues, and so that you may share your wisdom with us."  Leafpetal felt confident as he mewed the ceremonial words that one medicine cat was to speak every halfmoon.

     Leafpetal nodded to the surrounding cats, who all took their own spots around the tree.  "Now, we gather here, around your sacred Moonwood, waiting for you to guide us."  Leafpetal pressed his nose to the exposed rock that was in the stump of the tree, and felt himself slipping into sleep, where he would venture to StarClan's hunting grounds.

     Leafpetal opened his eyes and saw the vastness of trees that was StarClan's hunting grounds.

     "Hello, Leafpetal."  Leafpetal turned his head and was delighted to see a dark brown she-cat standing there.

     "Applestep!"  Applestep was Leafpetal's mother, who had died during a border skirmish with some rogues.  "It's so good to see you!"

     "There is a storm coming, Leafpetal." Applestep mewed ominously.  "One that may destroy the Clans."

     Leafpetal was puzzled.  "Applestep, I don't understand."

     "Find the stones of foundation," she mewed.  "And your faith will guide you."


     Thornstar gazed up at the stars.  A rustle came from the thorn barrier at the camp entrance, and Thornstar looked down to see Leafpetal returning from the halfmoon meeting with his apprentice Cherrypaw.  Thornstar had to adjust himself as Leafpetal padded over and took a spot on the Highbranch.

     "What has happened?" he asked his medicine cat, seeing the worried look in Leafpetal's eyes.

     "Applestep came to me." he meowed.  "She said there is a storm coming, and that we must find the stones of foundation and let our faith guide us, or it will spell doom for the five Clans."

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