Chapter 5

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Stonepaw tried to release himself from the heavy paw on his neck. He could hear nothing but cats yowling and blood roaring in his ears, and the scent of blood overwhelmed his scent glands.

Then, a voice spoke. "The falcon will lead the Clans to victory, guided by reeds, and find shelter on stony banks, or else peace will drown in the flood of blood."

Stonepaw scrabbled up out of his nest.  It had been nearly a moon since he had joined ThunderClan, and he had been told by Poppystem that he was doing a great job for someone who wasn't Clanborn.

The LightningClan cats had begun to like Stonepaw.  Even Gazellefur was easing off him.  The only cat who hadn't really changed since his first day in camp was Molewhisker.  His kits, Blackkit and Whitekit, had to make sure their father wasn't looking whenever they so much as nodded at Stonepaw.

Stemfrost, the queen who had been carrying Thornstar's kits when Stonepaw joined the Clan, had given birth to her kits.  Stonepaw had not seen them yet, but Thornstar had announced their arrival with happiness gleaming in his eyes, and even coming out in his voice.

Stonepaw padded out of the apprentices' den and began to groom himself.  After a thorough wash, he padded to the stump that was the nursery.  He pushed inside and saw Amberstorm still sleeping, her kits sprawled on her flank.  Meanwhile, Stemfrost was awake, suckling her three tiny kits.

There were two toms and a she-cat in the litter, a big gray tom, much like his father, a black tom with a white stripe from his forehead to his tail, and a small black she-cat with two white paws and a white tail-tip.

"Hello, Stonepaw." Stemfrost mewed.

"They're beautiful." Stonepaw mewed.  "Have you thought of names?"

"Only for the two black kits.  The tom is Badgerkit, and the she-cat is Ravenkit."

Stonepaw looked at the gray tom.  "Maybe he should be Bramblekit." he mewed half to himself.

Stemfrost looked up.  "Why do you think that?" the ginger queen asked.

"Well, he looks like Thornstar, and brambles are similar to thorns." Stonepaw explained.  "Plus, his head fur spikes up."

Stemfrost nodded.  "Then Bramblekit he is."

Stonepaw was surprised.  Poppystem had told him that queens came up with names for their kits on their own, and, if not, then with their mates, not a random apprentice who was a kittypet nearly a moon ago.

Stonepaw's train of thought was broke when Thornstar pushed through the thorn barrier.  He set a vole down in front of his mate.  "What are their names?  Have you thought of them?"

Stemfrost purred.  She pointed to each of the kits as she named them, "Badgerkit, Ravenkit, and Stonepaw named miniature you Bramblekit."

Thornstar looked at the apprentice.  "Nice job." he mewed.

"Beautiful names." Amberstorm, who was roused from her sleep by the meows of the three cats, mewed.  "They'll be strong warriors in time."

"You know," Thornstar mewed.  "Now that you're here Stonepaw, would you like to go to the Gathering tonight?"

Stonepaw's jaw gaped in awe.  "Yes!  I would love to!" he mewed.

Thornstar purred in amusement.  "Well, then go get something to eat so you can get on with your apprentice duties, then get some rest before the other chosen cats leave."


Stonepaw could barely hold in his excitement.  He hadn't even know about the Clans for a moon yet, and he was going to a Gathering!

The cats approached, Stonepaw could see the Greatwood, which Poppystem had shown him on his first day.  He could smell scents he had only smelled on borders and blown by the wind.  The other four Clans.

The cats stopped at the top of the hollow, waiting for Thornstar's signal.  It took all of Stonepaw's strength not to leap in and start making friends.  The other cats who had been chosen to go were Poppystem, Leafpetal and his apprentice, Cherrypaw, Strikeacorn, and Thistlewing, a gray-furred elder.

Thornstar flicked his tail and the ThunderClan cats erupted into the hollow.  Stonepaw stopped after reaching the smooth ground, and looked around.  He saw a group of apprentices, and padded over to join the conversation.

"...So then," a ginger tom was meowing.  "Maplegaze told me it wasn't a thrush.  It was an eagle!"

"Who are you?" one of the apprentices asked Stonepaw.

Stonepaw struggled to find the words.  "I-I'm Stonepaw, a LightningClan apprentice." he managed to meow.

"Well, I'm Falconpaw." the ginger tom mewed.  "From CloudClan."

Suddenly, a yowl came from the Greatwood.  A light gray, sleek-furred tom was standing on one of the higher branches, calling for the Gathering to start.  Stonepaw noticed a black tom apprentice with similar sleek fur, smelled a bit like the fish in the streams.

"Rainstar has lost her last life." the gray tom mewed.  The black apprentice let out a yowl of sadness.  "I have visited the Moonwood, and have gained my nine lives and my name of Stormstar."

"Stormstar!  Stormstar!" a light brown she-cat with powerful legs chanted from the branch above Stormstar.

The rest of the Clans joined in.  "Stormstar!  Stormstar!"

"In other news, ChannelClan's new deputy is Quailstrike, and Eaglefish's kits will arrive any day now." 

"Thank you, Stormstar." the light brown she-cat meowed.  She rose to her paws.  "Fawnflower is dead."  The Clans let out a collective gasp.  Stonepaw didn't quite get it, but he could tell this Fawnflower was a well known cat.  "There were a group of rogues at the edge of CloudClan's territory, and we sent a raid party to take care of them.  Fawnflower died a warrior's death in battle."

Falconpaw let out a huff, and Stonepaw wished he could ask his new friend what was wrong, but didn't want to interrupt the she-cat's announcements.

"Well said, Cranestar."  A black tom poked his head out of the shadows he was seemingly hiding in.  "FogClan is well.  There are two new kits; Bearkit and Brightkit, kits of Robinwatcher and I."

"Good to hear your Clan is well, Nightstar" Thornstar spoke.  "LightningClan is well.  We have a new apprentice.  Stonepaw."

"Stonepaw!  Stonepaw!"  Stonepaw recognized Poppystem's voice.

The rest of the Clans joined in.  "Stonepaw!  Stonepaw!"

"Stemfrost has given birth to my kits; Badgerkit, Ravenkit, and Bramblekit."

After LightningClan's announcements, a golden she-cat rose up.  "As you know, I, Dovestar, only recently became leader of HillockClan, but we have learned to move on from our grief for Hickorystar's death, and are growing strong again.  Squirrelpaw and Mistypaw are now apprentices."

"Squirrelpaw!  Mistypaw!" the Clans chanted.

"This has been a good Gathering," Cranestar meowed.  "Now, let us return to our homes safely, and meet here again next full moon."

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