Chapter 7

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Always Need You


Pete POV. 

The drive to Kinn's place was silent, suffocating, and heartbreaking. Vegas and I got into an argument leading to Vegas practically admitting not to trust me. 

He has this idea in his head that everyone on this Earth is against him, I don't know how to offer him any kind of support. With him getting all worked up I felt like keeping to myself would be the best option. 

If I spoke to him during this car ride I might say something I would regret and It would only make matters worse.

I noticed myself grinding my teeth and switched to biting the inside of my cheeks instead. I felt tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

This morning was perfect, we woke up late and cuddled in bed. I made us a simple breakfast that would tie us over until our scheduled lunch with Kinn and Porsche. Everything was good, and the moment we walked out the door to get in the car it was a complete 180. 

The perfect morning turned into an afternoon nightmare.

The silence was heavy on my chest, but I focused on driving only secretly glancing over to Vegas after I noticed he was looking my way. He turned his head and stared out the window, looking at who knows what as the drive only contained trees and fields of grass.

I saw Vegas' fatigue, he closed his eyes and sighed as he laid his head back. I could tell his hands began to shake meaning he was trying to compose himself from having another panic attack. 

I pulled into the driveway of the house seeing Kinn and Porsche standing outside waving us down. I stopped the car getting out quickly leaving Vegas alone in the passenger seat thinking maybe it would be better if I left him alone for a minute or two.

I walk over to the guys quickly giving them each a hug before stepping away. Kinn looks at me, "Pete, what happened? is everything okay?" With that I felt the tears in my eyes threaten to fall once again.

I take a deep breath, "We argued right before we left, I think he is just really worried that this is some kind of trap. He just, doesn't trust me I guess." Porsche looks towards the car then back at me, "I mean, I don't blame him for being scared, but not trusting you seems a bit fucked up in my opinion." 

Kinn hits Porsche's shoulder, "Porsche, he has been through a lot, it's going to take time for him to trust anyone, even himself. Pete, is he okay, he doesn't look good." 

I turn to look at Vegas sitting in the car, I see him shaking, knees pulled to his chest, tears streaming out of his closed eyes. I look back at Kinn and Porsche for a split second worry in my eyes before turning around and sprinting to the car.

I get to the passengers side of the car and whip the door open as fast as I could, immediately pulling Vegas into a hug, rubbing my arms quickly on his shoulders and his back. At first I say nothing, just holding him as tightly as I could. 

I could tell he is trying to calm himself down, and it was frustrating him more that it wasn't working. I pull his face up from his knees with both my hands, his eyes tightly squeezed shut. 

"Hey,  hun, look at me. Please, baby just look at me." I repeated multiple times until his eyes open slowly looking at me with a kind of pain I had only seen from him once before but had hoped I never had to see it again.

"Just breathe for me okay? I need you to breathe slow for me." I put my forehead on his looking into his eyes, doing what ever I could to pull him out of what ever dark hole he was just in. 

"I'm so-sorry, Pete, god, I'm so-sorry. What I said, I shouldn't have said it, I wasn't thinking, oh god I'm so so sorry, please, please forgive me, please don't, please don't leave me." Vegas said through his coarse voice while choking on his own sobs and gasps for air.

I looked at him repeatedly apologizing and begging me to stay and not go. I caress his face with both my hands before slowly dragging them down his shoulders and sides before wrapping my arms around his waist, my body seemingly getting larger as his sturdy build begins to shrink. 

We spend a few minutes like this, not saying a word, just holding one another. I feel Vegas' breathing become somewhat more normal before pulling away from him slightly only for him to tighten his grip on my waist pulling me back to him.

I return to hugging him soothing him as best as I could. Any anger I may have felt before melted away, only for worry to remain. I pull away once more, and pull Vegas' chin up so that his eyes would meet mine. 

"That's better, you're doing so good, I am so proud of you." I say softly rubbing his cheeks with my thumbs wiping away any straggling tears. 

"I thought maybe if I left you alone for a minute that you would feel better, I thought maybe you didn't want me in the car with you so I got out. I'm sorry, I didn't think you needed me." 

Vegas' eyes quickly transformed from scared to sad, "I don't know where you got the idea that I don't need you, but I don't blame you. I was a dick, and an asshole, I'm so sorry, I made it seem like I don't trust you. I do, I promise, I trust you more than I trust myself. I am just scared of them, and its not that I don't trust them either, I just don't trust that after everything they would care enough to let me in, calling me family or whatever. The amount of times I almost killed them, or killed you, It's ME I don't trust, and I took that out on you. I-I am just. I'm so sorry."

I lean in and I kiss him, shutting him up as quickly as possible. "For fucks sake, can you just shut up." I say with a laugh, pinching his nose. He stops talking, and just looks at me for a minute in silence before I hear the sound of someone clearing their throat behind me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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