Chapter 5 ~ The Diagnosis

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It had been two days without much sleep since Elsie's friends ordered that she talk to somebody. She really don't want to but she just wants these thoughts gone. that damn shadow hasn't gone away, though it had been less frequent in terms of seeing it.

Elsie had found a five star shrink as she called them. Her appointment was for six pm, right after her shift. Speaking of work, things with bradford were so weird. He was acting like she was an outsider. Treating her like it was still her first day on the job. If she was being honest it hurt.  She had told him something nobody else knew. She didn't know why she did. It was like something came over her. She knew she could trust him with that information but she didn't understand why he was acting so different, hardly talking to her, giving her random "Tim tests" as he called them. Elsie was so confused. One minute they are sitting in a hospital room getting to know each other than the next they are barley speaking. Did Elsie do something? Was it because of what happened with Isabel? Elsie honestly didn't know.

With a long sigh, she got up and walked over to her office and began checking her emails. Elsie liked to pile up emails. There was something about having a fresh pile to go through, made her nights feel like christmas morning. As she was scrolling through the list she noticed one from Petco.Weird. she thought to herself as she didn't remeber signing up for any emails from them. When she clicked on the link connected to the email her heart sank. It was an article published to the Petco newsletter about shelter animals and how bad their living conditions can be. As Elsie finished reading the article she quickly googled the nearest animal  shelter and checked their business hours. 10am-10pm. Seeing as it was only 6:45 Elsie decided to call ahead and let them know she was on her way.

Elsie hated ads or articles like that. Sad animals were her kryptonite. The animal shelter was only 15 minutes away from her apartment so she got there pretty quick. When she walked inside she was hit with the distinct animal shelter smell. "Hi! You must be Mrs. Denesco?" A young lady looked, she couldn't have been older than 17.

"Yes, but please, call me Elsie" She said with a smile.

"okay great! I'm Tara, so what kind of pet were you looking for?"  Tara asked as she walked over to Elsie

"Uhm, I don't know, something small. I'm a cop so something easy I guess" Elsie said with a smile.

"hm, follow me" Tara said as she led her back to a small area with a bunch of small cages. Elsie's Eyes wandered around. Wondering what was in the cages

"meet our hamsters" Tara said as she gently closed the door not wanting to spook them. Elsie walked around to all the cages, her eyes darting between all their cute faces. She got to the last cage and peered inside. Nothing. She waited for a second as a small little hamster crawled out from under the bedding

"Oh" Elsie laughed as a peice of his bedding was stuck to his face. Tara walked over noticing her intrest in the little guy

"Thats Remy, he has been here the longest" Tara spoke

"Why? He seems so friendly" Elsie asked

"He is a European hamster, most people consider him to be aggresive, its their loss though, Remy is nothing but kind to me" Tara spoke as she gently toook him from his cage to let Elsie hold him. As soon as the furball hit Elsie's palms it ran up her arm and up her hair to perch itself ontop of her head. Tara giggled followed by Elsie.

"I think he likes you" She laughed as she scooped him off her head and back into his cage

"I want to adopt him" Elsie blurted out. Causing Tara to look at her with a smile.

"Lovely, let me go grab the adoption forms" The young girl said as she quickly walked across the hall into an office


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