Chapter 11~ Rats & Jordans.

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"Your hamster is a rat" Tim spoke as he and Elsie were in the shop, driving down a busy street.

"Excuse me?" Elsie slowly turned her head to face Tim.

"I googled it, Hamsters spread disease just like rats" Tim said his eyes not leaving the street Infront of him. Elsie scoffed and rolled her eyes before continuing to look at the laptop that was installed in the shop, for any incoming calls. "Can I ask why you were googling the spread of hamster diseases?" Elsie asked, looking over at Tim again.

Tim fixed his position in his seat. "I was thinking of buying one for my nephews, but was quickly reminded of how gross they" He trailed off.

"I'm going to ignore the fact you just said that" Elsie tried not to be offended. "Remy may be named after a fictional rodent but he isn't a rat. Or gross. He is a very well mannered hamster"

"Yeah, alright" Tim changed the subject "I heard you made up with Lucy?"

Elsie looked a little confused "Who told you that?" She asked as she didn't recall telling him.

"Brooks, apparently Lucy told him and he told me. He kinda has a problem about running his mouth.They both do." Tim tapped on the steering wheel as he spoke.

"Good to know, now I'll have to watch what I say around the two of them." Elsie joked just as a call came in about a man who tried to steal a pair of sneakers and was caught.

"When will they learn?" Tim sighed as he turned onto the street where the call came from.
"Alright what happened?" Elsie asked as her and Tim walked into the store where the incident took place.

"This fool tried to steal a pair of our most popular Jordans." The shop keeper told Them, his voice agitated and he kept using his index finger to point towards the man who Elsie had detained.

"Is that true?" Tim asked as he opened the notepad he carried with him and began to write stuff down.

"This fool jacked up the price! I wasn't gonna pay all that!" The thief said, his voice also raised and agitated.

"I didn't jack up the price, inflation did!" The shop keeper yelled. Elsie stepped in and told him to calm down.

"How much where the shoes?" Tim asked the man in cuffs who was now looking down at the floor, kicking with his feet.

"$257" he said softly, still looking at his feet. Tim rolled his eyes, put his hands on his hips and leaned his head back before looking at the man.

"Dude, that's not even that bad for a good pair Jordans."Tim said as he lead the man out of the store and into the shop.

Elsie laughed a little. "Sorry about this whole thing sir, have a great day" She told the shop keeper before following behind Tim into the shop and back to the station to being processing their thief.
Hey guys, sorry about the short chapter. I just wanted to give you guys something while I work on the next regular sized chapter. I've lowkey been a bit of a bum lately, my bad. I was thinking about starting a "Hunger Games" fic as-well as continuing this fic. If I did would you guys read it? *If you read this note please comment, I feel ignored :(*

Ty for reading! See ya next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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