Chapter Ten: The Breaking Point

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Warnings- long chapter, slight cussing, jealousy, and possessiveness! jealous Miguel, Toxic Miguel. Toxic Y/N and Petty Y/N.

Surprise I finished early, thank you for your patience 🤣

Side note- I know I had mentioned it before but the paperbacks for my first book are now available!

Link down below...

P.S.- I updated a one-shot of Miguel... Professor Miguel, you guys wanted a part two, I will be granting that soon. I will also post another Miguel X Reader One- Shot a toxic relationship one and last a Dark Mafia Miguel X Reader one. You guys know I'm a sucker for mafia :)

After that updates will be slow again, due to editing book two of the Mafioso series and writing Kraven. Alright, that is all. Xo, Alexa 💕

Enjoy ;)

Regular Pov

"Wait so why did Jason Walkman move his party to tonight?" I ask Sid as we get out of the car.

I stare at the mansion before me. A full-lit party is ahead.

"Because his parents left early and he got the hookup on some kegs. So free alcohol all night." she smiled.


"You look hot by the way." she spinner me around and Todd hummed in agreement. "Thanks."

I'm still pissed about the little stunt Miguel pulled on me. I felt humiliated and yet I was still thinking about his dumbass.

I needed to get drunk quickly and probably dance to a few songs.

As soon as we got in the kitchen we were handed red cups.

"Cheers!" Syd cheered. I clink my cup with hers and Todd's. "Let's have some fun and maybe get laid."

"I'll cheer to that." Todd smiled as he looked around. Syd looked at me. "Yeah sure why not." I shrug.

I cheered to the fun part but there was no way I was getting laid by anyone here.

But I was going to get laid, I just didn't know it yet.

Todd went after a girl we used to hang out with, Chelsea Syd and I started dancing to Beautiful Liar by Beyonce and Shakira.

"THE INNOCENCE IS GONE." we sing bloody murder as we sway our hips to the side.

I was three drinks in already and honestly, this is what I needed to get my mind off you know who.

Miguel O'Hara.

Fuck you.

As the songs passed the more I drank. I lost count after the fifth or sixth one. I didn't even realize Syd was no longer beside me.

"Hey did you see where my friend went?" I tap a guy's shoulder. "She went upstairs with Jason."

Well damn, my girl was going to get some.

"What about Todd?"

"In the jacuzzi with Chelsea."

Well damn, my boy was going to get some.

"I see. Wait don't I know you?" I squint my eyes and I now recognize this man.

"Oh my god Jeremy?" I smile. "What made you realize?" he chuckled.

"You don't have glasses anymore," I say, still smiling. "Yeah, and you don't have braces anymore."

"Nope, we got our glow up," I smirked as I eyed him up and down.

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