Chapter 23

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Amidst the chaos of battle, Bahamut felt a surge of madness coursing through his veins, an unbridled and relentless desire to incinerate everything in his path. His mind echoed with a single word, repeated again and again: "BURN, BURN, BURN..."

He unleashed his fiery fury without discrimination, for in his draconic form, there was no room for mercy. He turned his searing breath upon all who opposed him, reducing them to ash. Princes, warlords, and soldiers alike fell to his relentless flames, and nothing was spared. Their lifeless forms were left half-burned, to be buried by the soldiers left behind in the city, preventing the spread of disease and averting any potential curses from enemy sorcerers.

The army that had marched toward Trader Town returned, carrying the severed head of General Pol Qo, their mission accomplished. Before their arrival, Bahamut had turned the entire town to smoldering ruins, leaving nothing but devastation in his wake. Pol Qo, too, was spared from complete immolation, his body bearing the scars of half-burned flesh. Upon reaching the Trader Town, the soldiers were grateful that they had not incurred the wrath of the magical beast, having witnessed the desolation that was once Trader Town.

Without waiting for the main army to return to the Capital City, Bahamut issued orders to the Generals, instructing them to send officials to the Princedoms situated near the capital. These officials carried the news of the devastation Bahamut had wrought on the enemy forces. In a state of sheer terror, the Princedoms swiftly yielded to the Emperor's influence, and his fame began to spread throughout Yi Ti, albeit with some delay.

Many Princedoms and petty kings surrendered their thrones and came to the Emperor in person, seeking his favor. To their astonishment, it was not the Emperor but Bahamut himself who spoke on his behalf. The colossal, intelligent monster left them bewildered and in disbelief, for they could hardly fathom how the Emperor had gained the favor of such an extraordinary being. They questioned whether Bahamut was truly a dragon, for they were aware of dragons from the Valyrian civilization in the past. Some knew of a Valyrian noblewoman who had married an Emperor and kept a dragon at the court. However, there were no records of dragons capable of speech, and this new revelation left them awestruck and perplexed.

Many of the Princedoms remained defiant, refusing to surrender to the Emperor and believing they could withstand the might of the flying beast and the Emperor's forces. Bahamut, accompanied by just 5,000 men, flew towards these fortresses, while his other forces were scattered across different cities to ensure they operated under the Emperor's rule.

As Bahamut approached one of the fortresses, he encountered the arch-nemesis of dragons, the Scorpion. However, Bahamut did not dodge the spears and arrows shot at him; instead, he created a barrier of air to deflect the projectiles. To his surprise, an unforeseen event unfolded as he neared the fortress. Numerous long iron chains materialized out of thin air, ensnaring him and forcing him to land on the walls of the fortress. Those who dared to approach him were reduced to ashes. Bahamut was left confounded, wondering why the chains continued to bind him even when he attempted to break free using his immense strength. The answer was clear: magic was at play.

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