Chapter 68

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Returning to Dragonstone under the cover of night, Bahamut had a specific experiment in mind—one that involved the dragon eggs he had obtained from Moon. In his absence, he left the role of Hand of the King to the old general, trusting him to manage affairs in King's Landing.

Upon reaching Dragonstone, Bahamut found himself in the company of Sapphire and Diaval, two of his dragons. Despite their imposing size, these dragons attracted many curious onlookers attempting to catch a glimpse of living dragon. Sapphire, known for her more peaceful demeanor, didn't pose a threat to those who approached unless they have pose threat to her. However, Diaval, Bahamut's more territorial dragon, had a different approach.

Diaval didn't tolerate intruders and had a penchant for making them into unexpected snacks. His aggressive behavior had become known even to the people of Naath. Any unfortunate soul attempting to approach Dragonmont with less than noble intentions ended up as a meal for Diaval.

Bahamut strolled toward the cave of Dragonmont, a single black dragon egg cradled in his possession in his human form, Bahamut was greeted by the watchful eyes of Diaval, who had stationed himself outside. Before long, Sapphire, the other dragon, emerged to welcome Bahamut. Though their movements were more lethargic now, a sign of the extended stay without their master, they hadn't forgotten the joy of Bahamut's presence.

The dragons, with their massive heads, approached Bahamut, nudging him affectionately as a form of greeting. Responding to their touch, Bahamut began to rub their scales. However, Sapphire's curiosity was piqued. She sensed something different—the dragon egg Bahamut held.

Intrigued, Sapphire decided to follow Bahamut deeper into the cave, leaving Diaval to stand guard at the entrance.

When Bahamut reached the vast cavity within the cavern, he decided to employ the same magic that had aided his transformation into a new species of dragon, albeit with slight modifications and less input, given that it was merely an egg. Although Moon had laid the egg a while ago, it hadn't hatched, primarily because Bahamut had chosen to deny it. Consequently, the egg had begun the slow process of turning into stone, displaying a lack of the essence and potential inherent in a true dragon.

As Bahamut contemplated the transformation process, he prepared to infuse the egg with the magical energy needed to elevate it to the status of a genuine true dragon egg. Sapphire, the watchful dragon, observed with curiosity as Bahamut commenced the intricate procedure. Delving into the profound realms of magical theory, Bahamut envisioned the elemental forces defining the nature of dragons.

Placing the dragon egg in the center, Bahamut envisioned the ethereal link between dragons and magic, woven into the fabric of their existence. His magic theory focused on the convergence of elemental energies—fire, air, earth, and water—forces deeply attuned to dragons. He pictured the black egg absorbing these elemental essences, setting it apart from other creatures.

With a subtle gesture, Bahamut initiated the transfer of magical energies, envisioning a harmonious fusion—a dance of elements converging within the egg. Fire granted the fierce spirit of dragons, air the gift of flight, earth provided strength, and water bestowed vitality. The cavern resonated with a mystical hum as the magical energies permeated the black egg.

Bahamut's concentration remained unbroken, his mastery over magic guiding the transformation. Once a mere fire-breathing creature, the egg now pulsed with the potential to hatch a true dragon. As the magical infusion reached its zenith, Bahamut sealed the enchantment with an ancient incantation, its echoes reverberating through the cavern.
The air shimmered, and the wyvern egg, now transformed, bore the unmistakable aura of a true dragon egg. Sensing the profound change, Sapphire approached the newly transformed egg with a mix of curiosity and acknowledgment. The dragon egg was no longer bound by Valyrian magic, requiring life to hatch and a connection to Valyrian blood; unmistakably, it had become a new species of dragon, just like Bahamut.

Slowly, the egg started cracking, signaling that it was about to hatch. Nervously, Bahamut approached the dragon, unsure if his efforts had paid off. Soon, a small paw emerged from the egg, and through the cracks, Bahamut saw luminous gold eyes looking at him, confirming that his hard work had indeed paid off.

Gazing into the golden eyes that peered at him through the cracks in the eggshell, Bahamut couldn't help but feel a sense of intelligence emanating from the dragonling, a trait distinct from the four-limbed dragons he had encountered before. The paw that had cracked the shell wasn't a leg, but rather similar to his own arms, confirming that the hatchling possessed the same physical structure as him—much to Bahamut's delight.

Approaching the newborn with delicate steps, Bahamut felt the weight of responsibility as a parent to the baby dragon. The dilemma of whether to assist the hatchling in breaking free from the egg or to let it navigate the process itself lingered in Bahamut's mind. In the fantastical world of dragons, hatching was a sacred and pivotal moment—a transition from the safety of the egg to the vast world beyond. The ability of the hatchling to break free and consume its own shell symbolized resilience and the instinctual strength required to thrive in the challenging world that awaited.

However, Bahamut found himself uncertain about whether these fantastical traditions applied to the dragons in this world. The only certainty he had was that hatchlings did indeed consume the broken shells of their eggs, based on his experience raising four dragons.

After some time, the hatchling grew bolder as it observed Bahamut's lack of hostility, finding strength in its hunger to overcome the initial fear of the powerful elder dragon. To Bahamut's surprise, the baby dragon of his kind proved to be irresistibly cute. Moreover, from the distinct scent that lingered in the air, Bahamut confirmed that the hatchling was, indeed, a female.

Motivated by newfound courage, Aithusa used her strength to break free from the eggshell, a spectacle that Bahamut found both impressive and endearing. Without hesitation, she began to consume the broken shells, exhibiting a swift and efficient appetite. Bahamut couldn't tear his eyes away from the enchanting creature—a moving, shining black stone that was only half the size of a fully grown cat. The two baby horns atop her head gave her a distinctive appearance, making her head seem slightly larger for her diminutive body.

Bahamut continued to observe Aithusa, captivated by her every move, until she finished consuming the shells and turned her gaze toward him. He sensed a nervous energy emanating from the baby dragon, a natural response to the inherent superiority and the formidable presence he carried as a dragon. It was a pressure not to be taken lightly.

Deciding that it was time to bestow a name upon the hatchling—a name that would shape her identity and destiny—Bahamut approached Aithusa with careful steps. With a gentle smile, he declared, "Your name shall be Aithusa."

In response, Aithusa blinked, as if recognizing the given name. Bahamut, ever the elder dragon, continued to approach her with care, extending a warm welcome. "Welcome, Aithusa," he spoke with a tone that resonated with wisdom. "May your wings soar through the skies, and may your flames burn with the intensity of a thousand suns."


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