8. The Unexpected Alliance

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A new and formidable threat emerged, forcing Megumi, Sukuna, and the rest of the sorcerers to set aside their differences and unite against a common enemy. The looming danger eclipsed the personal conflicts that had plagued them, pushing Megumi and Sukuna to work together for the sake of their shared world. Forced into an unexpected alliance, Megumi and Sukuna discovered the strength in their connection, as it transcended the boundaries of curses and sorcerers.

As they fought side by side, the others began to witness the depth of Sukuna's power and the unexpected unity between him and Megumi. The forbidden love that once tore them apart now became the catalyst for an alliance that defied expectations. The world, on the brink of destruction, witnessed the power that could be born from the most unlikely bonds.

The battlefield, a canvas of chaos and desperation, bore witness to the unlikely alliance between Megumi and Sukuna. The sorcerer community, initially skeptical and resistant, saw the once-forbidden connection now working in tandem to combat a common foe. As spells clashed and curses roared, the unspoken understanding between Megumi and Sukuna became a force to be reckoned with.

Nobara, witnessing the unexpected alliance, couldn't help but marvel at the synchronicity between the sorcerer and the curse. "I never thought I'd see the day when those two would fight side by side."

Yuji, equally astonished, nodded in agreement. "Guess the enemy of our enemy is our friend, huh?"

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