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Our plan was perfect. Well, almost perfect. Looking back at it now, I should have known that something will go wrong, but I never would have guessed that something so silly could have ruined everything. Perfection doesn't exist, but the way we handle things and fix them sure does.
As I walked out of Ken's room, the coldness of the hallway hit me. It wasn't cold as in the literal term, but any place without Ken felt a little colder, emptier. I walked on, and almost bumped into a housekeeper, so I apologized, and went on my way. Camilla's house wasn't far from the hotel, so I made it there in no time, and walked in. Her parents were what you can call absentee, and were mostly not home, which is why she was the excuse I used all the time. I walked up the stairs, woke Camilla up with a huge hug, then told her everything, which made her jump in excitement with me. It was a happy moment, followed by an utter disaster which started with my phone ringing.

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