The Butler, Deviant | Sebastian x Reader (Lime)

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"Miss (y/n), are you alright?" Sebastian asked, holding his hand out to me. I was soaking wet, on the ground, in front of Sebastian. I had spilled a pitcher of lemonade because i bumped into Sebastian, meant for Finney since he had been working out in the garden on this unusually hot day. I was new to the Manor. I had only been a few months prior. And was about as good at my job as Mey-rin was at walking in a straight line. I practice ancient martial arts, and was pretty good at it, if I do say so myself. I'm 99.9% sure that's the only reason they hired me. Because it definitely wasn't because of my cleaning/cooking skills. I had broken about 3 tea sets, and burned various items meant for the young master. Oh, and i am also extremely skilled in the art of tripping on thin air. I was always bumping into Sebastian for some reason, but could you blame me? That man was like a damn lion on the prowl, you never see him coming until its to late, and next thing you know 'SMACK', your both on the floor in a tangled mess of arms and legs. And it doesn't help that halve the time when we do bump into each other, i either have something breakable, or a stack of laundry piled high in my flimsy arms.

For some reason, he never bumped into anyone else but me. But on the very often occasions Mey-rin drops something, and hes around, he'll somehow manage to catch it, even if hes on the other side of a seemingly endless hallway.

Every one in the house has some special ability, or has some form of military background (none in which include cooking/cleaning besides Tanaka and Sebastian). Finney has super strength, Mey-rin rarely misses a shot, and Baldroy was in the military. But Sebastian, hes just naturally good at everything. I mean the guy can cook, clean, give one heck of a foot massage, he could practically do anything. And I think i recall him saying once that he can tie a cherry stem with his tongue, i don't know but its a good possibility.

The young master, Ciel, rarely comes out of the study and the rare few times he does, its for social gatherings (which hes a wallflower), to eat in the dinning room, or a case for the queen. Well what should i expect, he is the Queens guard dog after all.

Anyways, back to the situation at hand.

"I-i'm quite alright Mister Sebastian." I said, attempting to stand up, but failing miserably by tripping on the hem of my dress.

"WHAAAAA!" I yelled as i fell back onto the floor.

"I-i am terribly sorry, i just was day dreaming i guess, and then i bumped into you." I nervously said, instead of trying to get up.

"Miss (y/n), your clothes seem to be, umm..."

"Wet?" I questioned.

"Well, yes that and, their umm-" a slight blush crept onto his pale cheeks. "Their see through." My eyes widened and snapped down to my dress. Instead of of being black and white like Mey-rins, mine was completely white because of and incident involving me, Baldroy, and a flame thrower. To sum everything up, my clothes were burned, and new ones were being ordered so i had to wear one of Mrs. Phantomhive's old summer dresses, much to Ciel's dismay.

You could see straight through the thin material, showing my very revealing under-garments. Sebastian stuck out his hand for me to grab. I grabbed his with one hand, and tryed to cover everything up with the other. He lead me down the hallway, took a few turns, and ended up in a part of the house ive never seen before a stray strand of hair fell into my eyes, as he lead me through a door. I furiously blew at it, but no matter what it wouldn't move out of my eyes. I couldn't use my hands because one was being held by him, and the other was covering everything from his wandering eyes. I could feel his watching me, and for some odd reason, it sent delightful shivers through my body. He stopped suddenly, then pushed me down on what i'm pretty sure is a bed.

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