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In the throne room of the castle in black.

"This is ridiculous," Kali thought. She was sitting on her throne. Her hand was on the armrest and she had a bored expression on her face. "Cheer up, princess," Lord Cain said. "This is so boring tho" she huffed at her father. "Just a few more scrolls and then we can go get Dabeolal tatin," Lord Cain said. Kali's eyes lit up when he said Dabeolal tatin.

"How about you go to your room in the meantime," Lord Cain said. "Ok Daddy," she said. Before walking off to her room. Once in her room, Kali called for her handmaidens. A couple of seconds later they appeared in front of her.

"Yes my lady," they said in unison. While bowing their heads. "How many times do I have to tell you guys to drop the formalities," Kali said. "Many times," Mara said. Going into a fit of giggles. Kali laughed at this. Noticing that Kali wants them to be comfortable Mara plops down on Kali's bed. "This bed is soo comfy" Mara said. While wiggling around. Eventually, jaliaya gets comfortable and sits down on the carpet. Lamia sighed heavily before joining Jaliaya on the carpet.

Mara starts to tell jokes to the group of girls which ends up with the whole group giggling and laughing. This went on for a couple of hours. " I wonder if Daddy's done yet" , Kali said. "He probably has a bunch of scrolls left, mistress," Lamia says. "I told you to call me Kali" Kali says. "Sorry mistress," Lamia says. Kali just huffs earning a giggle from the other two girls.

"You're funny, Kali" Mara says. "I agree," Jaliaya says. "How am I funny"? Kali asks. "It's the expressions you make for example when you get mad your cheeks puff up," Jaliaya says pointing to Kali. Kali puts her hands on her cheeks out of reflex. Making everyone giggle again. "Ok well...... Um jaliaya you twitch your right eye when angry" Kali says. With a proud tone. "No, I don't," Jaliaya says.

"Yes you do," Kali says. "Do not" Jaliaya said. "Do to" Kali said. "Do not" Jaliaya said. "Do to" Kali says. Lamia giggles making them look at her. "What can I not giggle" Lamia asks. "We just never heard you have," Mara said shocked. "Never," Jaliaya said agreeing. "Every human being is capable of laughing," Lamia says. "We're not human tho," Mara said. "Wow you said something smart for once," Lamia said. She put her hand in front of her mouth to make a shocked expression.

"So mean," Mara said. Turning her head from Lamia. Kali laughs and says. "I'm glad to have friends like you guys". "W-were your friends"! Mara says happily. "Of course you are," Kali says. "Hey, what about me"!? jaliaya asks. "Your my friend to Jaliaya" Kali says. "Heh I knew it," Jaliaya said. Flipping her hair in a cocky manner. "Group hug "? Mara asks. "Group hug," Kali and Jaliaya say. They hug while poor Lamia wants to hug but doesn't want to ask so she sits there awkwardly. "get in here lamia you my friend too you know" Kali said holding her other hand out. Lamia reluctantly joins the hug.

Then they hear glass breaking and someone groaning, so they break the hug and look towards the glass wall in Kali's room. they all scream and say angel at the same time. Jaliaya and Lamia jump on the bed. Mara is hugging Kali for dear life while Lamia is in a protective stance along with Kali. Jaliaya is hugging the other side of Kali.

"relax girls I don't bite," the angel says. while holding his side as blood oozes out. Lamia gets in front of Kali to protect her. "What are you doing here angel"!? Lamia asks. She flexes her wrist so her nails/claws come out. Her eyes also turn a pinkish-white color. "What do you want from us," Jaliaya says. "Yeah, what she said" Mara screams. "I'm not here to hurt you 'cough' I just need some help," he says. He coughs up blood at the 'cough' part. "If you're not here to hurt us then... What are you here for"? Lamia asks cautiously. "I told you already I just need some help," he says.

Kali peeks through Lamia's legs and Sees that he's hurt. She stands back up and says "Wait your hurt"?! She cautiously steps towards him. Before she even gets a centimeter closer they both meet each other's gaze and electricity shots between them. And a mysterious black mark appears on Kali's tongue. A similar one appears on the angel's back.

Enchanted To You book 1: A Demon's Love Where stories live. Discover now