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A/N: Sorry for the delay, college took up most of my time, making me barely have time nor motivation to write these chapters

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A/N: Sorry for the delay, college took up most of my time, making me barely have time nor motivation to write these chapters. <3

Hannahs POV:
Me, Hoshi and Dino were playing ludo together in another room on the first floor for a while. It was actually quite comforting. They're both really friendly and kind with me, making me grow to feel comfortable around their presences.

Although, I was still also bring cautious with not being too comfortable, because I only met them under 24 hours ago.

Regardless, they were the nicest people I have met here so far. As much as I hate to admit this, the scary rude guys words and actions from earlier still lingered on my mind. His words really hurt me deep.

I hate being this sensitive, but I can't help it. I can tolerate criticism, but being degraded for how I am as a person really made me self-conscious.

I know I'm quiet, but he didn't have to point it out, and make a huge deal out of it. Besides, it's not like I asked to be here in the first place, and be all talkative. I miss my family and friends.

As much as Hoshi and Dino helped me lift my mood up a little bit, it was only a temporary feeling before I could feel the homesickness get to me again.

I tried to mask my feelings, and force a tight smile, while playing with the two guys who were bickering at each other. Mainly, Dino who was exposing Hoshi for cheating while rolling the dice, while Hoshi was complaining to him for being disrespectful to him.

I sadly chuckled at them. They reminded me of me and Hansel. The thought of my younger brother led me to unconsciously let a lone tear escape my left eye.

I thought I had no tears left to cry, after crying so much these past few days, but I was wrong. I quickly wiped it away before the duo could see it.

"Hey Hannah, can you do me a favour and teach this kid a lesson? I swear on the world of tigers, he doesn't know how to talk to me nicely" Hoshi playfully pouts at me, while Dino tsked at this.

"Don't call me a kid! I'm older than her!" Dino whines, while crossing his chest.

"Well at least she knows respect unlike you!" Hoshi torts back. I look at both of them blanky, trying to hold back my laughter. As much as I wanted to jump in to stop them, I decided to let them be, and watch them awkwardly.

I'm too socially awkward to even say anything or respond back at their childish behaviour.

"Aish, this little disobedient kid! Just wait 'til we get home! I'll show you whose-"
Suddenly, the door slowly opens signalling a new presence has entered the room, making the three of us immediately look at the new persons direction.

Authors POV:
Hannah immediately hid behind the duo, after seeing who it was. Choi Seungcheol. His strong aura filled the room, making the trio look at him in surprise. They did not expect his presence at all.

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