World Cup

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@nicholassssssz posted

Liked by @cfspring @danielgrugby and 829,926 others Weirdos

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Liked by @cfspring @danielgrugby and 829,926 others
Weirdos. But I'll miss it while we're in France 😭

Top comments:

@cfspring nooo that's such a muggg!

@torispring_ I'll miss you too but I'm more mad your taking Charlie from me.
@nicholassssssz he's my husband...🙄

@immyheany let's not act like your weirder nick

@user27282 I'm living for this Nick and Charlie contentttt


"Wakey wakey," I say shaking Charlie awake slightly. He stirred and rolled over laying his head on my legs from where I was sat.

"It's too early!" He whined hugging his arms around my waist.

"Come on we need to get to the airport." I say running my hand through his hair.

"Ugh fine!" He says sitting up and going to get dressed quickly.

I go through to Noah's room, he's already sat up, tiredly making grabby hands at me. I can't believe he's already 9 months old.

"Hey baby" I say lifting him out of his cot, his tiny feet in the sleeping bag wriggling about. I change his clothes and make sure he'll be warm enough, giving him some breakfast: berries, yoghurt and toast. Sleepily, we put all of the suitcases into the car and I buckled Noah in.

We drove in a comfortable silence, the radio on but very low in volume, the street lights on the road. Noah fell fast asleep pretty much the whole drive. It was still dark when we got to the airport.

"Are we putting the pushchair up?" Charlie asks groggily. I nod slowly, pulling out the suitcases from the boot of the car.

We met Daniel before check in as he was taking the same flight, which we definitely planned. His wife, Haylee, was also there. Haylee and Charlie get along really well, so it was an easy decision for us to all fly together.

We have to wake up Noah as we go through security and we have to take the pushchair down as it had to go into the back of the plane with our suitcases. I carried Noah and the rest all shared the bags.

On the plane, Noah made grabby hands towards Charlie a lot, so he ended up sitting with him for the journey. I rested my head on his shoulder very sleepily.

"Tired baby?" He giggled. Noah was already asleep on his chest, it had already been a very long day for him.

"Mhm, yeah," I say. We just laid there for the flight which was about two hours. Daniel and Haylee sat behind us, also very tired. None of us said a word to each other. Not Haylee to Daniel, not Charlie to me, not Daniel to me and not Charlie to Haylee. The only person saying anything was Noah as he babbled and cried through the flight. It was his first one so it was understandable for him to not like the sensation of flying and his tiny ears popping. He moved back and forth from Charlie a lot.

It had been about 45 minutes before any of us really said anything apart from to Noah to calm him down or get him to be quiet. We'd all woken up a bit at that point.

"Do you want me to take him?" I say to Charlie, who looks very drained already.

"No no he's ok, he's got his daddy," he smiles cutely bobbing him up and down on his knee slightly, "besides he's asleep so?" All I can do is smile back.

"Sooo..." Haylee says eventually breaking the silence, "you guys excited to play?"

"Yeah, really excited!" I answer back, more as a courtesy than actually wanting a conversation. That sounds bad doesn't it?

"Yeah, excited to live somewhere else too!" Daniel asks.

"Omg! Noah's gonna grow up in a French environment! He'll speak French like you!" Charlie says quietly but excitedly. He's always been obsessed with the fact I speak French, which I'm not going to complain about.

"Oh yeah! I forgot we had a free personal translator!" Haylee laughs.

"Yeah I guess so, my French isn't perfect but..." I trail off laughing too.

A couple minutes later the food trolley comes around and asks us if we want anything. I buy two cans of coke, a water that we can put in Noah's soppy cup and a sandwich before asking Charlie if he wants anything to eat.

"Umm no thanks," he responds with a smile, but his eyes are saying 'please don't make me'.

"Ok that's it then thank you!" I say to the stewardess, tapping my card to pay and taking the items. Once they had moved on I took Charlie's hand in mine.

"You want half my sandwich?" I ask. He squeezes my hand tighter. He doesn't say anything this time he just shakes his head and turns back to Noah, kissing his forehead and swallowing the lump I can tell has formed in his throat.

"It's ok baby, you don't need to have anything now. We can get something when we get to my dads if you want, yeah?" I offer and he nods with a small, weak smile which I reciprocate.


When we get off the plane we are all woken up by the cool air hitting our faces. Once we had finally gotten the pushchair back, we instantly put Noah in it and Daniel was so enthusiastic to push him that we allowed him too. Sometimes I think Daniel wants a baby, but him and Haylee are a couple of years younger than Charlie and I so it depends if they're ready. Obviously, I won't get involved unless they want me to.

Charlie instantly checks his phone, 1 because he's addicted and 2 to let everyone at home know that we've all landed safe. I then message my dad that we've landed and are heading over.

"So how do we get to your dads?" Daniel asks.

"Train, which will be fun with all our bags and that," Charlie says.

My dad has allowed us all to stay at his place as it's got enough rooms for us all (Noah will be in a room with Charlie and I but that's not necessarily a bad thing) and because he does up houses as a job. He's never really been very involved in my life until I became a professional rugby player and I'm not stupid I know why he sticks around now. The thing is, I might as well try and make something of it. Don't get me wrong he's still not perfect but it's a start to what be waned my whole life.

"Ready to see your dad?" Charlie asks, taking my hand.

"Yeah, yeah I am!"

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