The Crucial Mistake

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Author's Note:

Hello! Welcome to Corvus Bioweapon.

I hope you enjoy this story!

A reference photo of Nexus Dwelling on top.


The world has changed. Four thousand years have passed and technology was at its peak. Life on Earth has been entirely different thanks to the people that have been working day and night to develop new technology and make every human life easier and more comfortable.

Astrobiologists surrender their lives on Earth and live most of their days residing at Nexus Dwelling -- a space station built outside planet Earth where most of the new technology came from. These scientists study possible life forms in space and bring in new test subjects every now and then for observations and integrating these specimens to a lot of things on Earth and maximize its potential. In return, they have to live the rest of their lives doing the exact same thing for the unforeseen future of the generations to come. A very noble profession in the eyes of many.

The night was young but everyone was on their toes as one of the Nexus Shuttles was set to arrive that very same night from an expedition on a dead planet called Corvus. Hoping and praying that the scientists that were sent there arrive back safely and bring in new specimens to study and develop.

"Oh my god, I can't wait to see what they bring back! I hope they're alright." One of the newer and younger astrobiologists exclaimed as she looked over the small window to check if the spacecraft had arrived.

"I remembered when I used to be that excited. How time flies." Sage commented with his arms crossed, also in the line of scientists waiting for the shuttle's arrival.

Dr. Sage Forde was a young astrobiologist that joined Nexus Dwelling five years ago. He's quite strict and cold when it comes to work but all in all is a great person once you get to know him. One of the few people he gets along really well is the lead astrobiologist, Dr. Zephyre Edevane, to which he exchange playful banter with.

"I remember how I told you that in a few months you'll hate your job and you told me 'I will always love my job'. But look at you now... a grumpy, old scientist." Zephyre teased, to which Sage responded with an eye roll.

Dr. Zephyre Edevane is only a year older than Sage but has worked at Nexus Dwelling for almost ten years. He is considered a senior in the field and is the head of the Corvus Research Project. He has always been liked by everyone. Most probably because of the way he talks to people and how he handles situations. Especially when problems arise. He's also considered as a very friendly senior by most of his newer and younger colleagues. In short, he's the goodie-two-shoes of the bunch.

"I hate this job and I hate it even more when I get to see your annoying face everyday." Sage exclaimed, causing a unified 'ooohhh' from the other scientists.

Zephyre scoffed. "Same here, actually. The only difference is, I love my job." He retorted back which made Sage gasp in disbelief.

"The audacity--" he scoffed. "You should be thankful I'm gracing you with my presence everyday, Zephyre."

The playful banter continued until one of the military personnel announced the arrival of the Nexus Shuttle. Everyone clamored and stood near the gate where the shuttle would land.

"They're finally here!"

The Corvus expedition lasted for months so it was expected that the two scientists they sent for it would probably be exhausted. So to honor their sacrifice, Zephyre's team prepared an entire day of pampering for them. Where they could have a nice warm bath, eat good food and a have a comfortable place to sleep and rest.

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