Beginning of the End

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Author's Note:

We are at chapter 15 and I can't believe we've been together for that long!

Anyway, the following chapters are going to be intense since we are definitely nearing the end. Or should I say... the beginning of the end.

A reference photo of Alisa and David Quinlan up top!



Zeni woke up in complete darkness, her skin prickling with an odd sensation. She sat up on a soft bed, squinting into the black void around her. There was nothing, just emptiness that seemed to press in on her. A sense of déjà vu hit her, reminding her of past premonitions and dreams, but this felt different—more intense, like the darkness was alive with something she couldn't understand.

She stood slowly, arms out in front of her, feeling her way through the dark space. Every step was met with silence, except for the soft sound of her feet on the floor. This wasn't like her usual visions; it felt far too real. And it wasn't just the void that unnerved her. Something else was there...

Finally, her fingers brushed against a cold metal, and she realized she had stumbled upon a door. With a hesitant touch, she fondled on the door handle. To her surprise, it yielded easily beneath her grasp. The door swung open soundlessly, revealing a yawning chasm of descending stairs that offered nothing but even more darkness beyond.

Her heart raced as she took the first steps down the staircase, her hand gripping the railing tightly for support. With each descent, the air grew heavier, thick with a sense of foreboding that seemed to seep into her very bones. Her heart quickened as she glimpsed a faint light at the far end of what seemed to be an endless staircase of nothing.

Getting closer to the origin of the faint light, she spots another metal door, faintly ajar. Approaching it with cautious steps, her pulse echoed in her ears, drowning out the silence. With trembling hands, she pushed the door open just enough to peer inside. What she saw sent shivers down her spine—a naked man stood. His gaze fixed upon the alien-like creature housed within a massive glass cylinder. Tubes and wires were connected from this creature's body, connecting it to some unseen machinery, as if it were a living conduit of power.

Zeni felt scared and confused as she listened to the man's strange chanting. It sounded eerie, like something out of a horror movie. She covered her mouth to muffle any noise she might make as she watched him nervously.

"We're almost done, Traxgynn," the man said, leaning against the glass, in awe of the creature inside it.

Zeni's brow furrowed as she struggled to comprehend the scene unfolding before her. Who was this man? What was this creature in the glass cylinder?

Her questions remained unanswered as to her horror, the man's head swiveled at her direction, causing her heart to race with fear. A loud gasp escaped her mouth.

He looked at her with wide, dilated eyes and a grin that was so off-putting. But what terrified her more was that she realized who the man was— it was Zephyre!

With a jolt, Zeni snapped awake, her body covered in cold sweat.

She was dreaming.

She frantically scanned the dimly lit room she woke up in. That's when she realized that she wasn't awake yet. She was still trapped in the nightmare. Panic seized her, and she began to hyperventilate, overwhelmed by a sense of dread. As she surveyed her surroundings, she spotted a shadowy figure inching closer towards her. The figure had that same wide, eerie grin and dilated eyes from the man she saw earlier. She knew she was looking at Zephyre, his grin hauntingly familiar, reaching closer towards her. This horrifying scene sent her into a fit of screams.

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