chapter two , stay away

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Valentina walks into the school with two coffees in her hands, one for her and one for Kevin. She let Kevin rope her into helping with the welcome table for Southsiders coming to Riverdale High. She was reluctant but he said he'd pay for coffee, so she agreed. She walks up to the group standing at the table that's already set up in the hall with a smile.

"I'm late, I know." She says, really just to Kevin but the rest give her slightly irritated looks. She hands Kevin his coffee. "Sorry not sorry." She says to the rest of the group as she takes a sip of the coffee. Good as ever. She's always said that Pop's coffee is the best coffee in world, even though she's never tried coffee from anywhere else.

"Well at least you got here before the new students." Veronica says with a smile. Veronica seems extra fake today, with her smile and her booth. No Lodge would ever be this opening and welcoming to Southsiders.

"Yeah." Valentina just gives her a shrug. She didn't care to greet them, the only one she cared about was Jughead but she figured that some time around Veronica would give her some more insight. The doors opens and a group of Serpents walk in with Jughead leading them. They walk up to the table with straight facing, quite unwelcoming.

"Friends. On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school. To ease this transition, I've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules, and a list of sports and extracurriculars. We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale." Veronica says with a greeting smile and Valentina scoffs, rolling her eyes. Veronica looks back at her with a confused look. "What?"

Valentina just shrugs and takes a sip of her coffee. She looks around the faces, her eyes falling immediately on a tall, dark haired Serpent standing next to Jughead. He stares back at her a slight smile on his lips. She quickly looks away from him and too the rest of the group. Kevin looks between the two with a small hint of suspicion.

"Riverdale isn't necessarily fair but sure." Valentina raises her eyebrows in sarcastic manner at the Lodge.

"I'd like to think so. We want you guys to feel welcomed and apart of our family here at Riverdale High." Veronica gives the Seperents a smile and Valentina just rolls her eyes. It's not that she doesn't like them, it's Veronica fakes happy act and the fact that it will never be welcoming because of the differences between North and Southsiders.

"Stand down, Eva Peron!" Cheryl says from behind them. As Valentina predict, drama and the first bell hasn't even rung. The football players and cheerleaders follow her down the stairs, dramatically.

"There's the school spirit I so fondly remember." Jughead says as they approach. Valentina laughs slightly at him.

"Cheryl. nobody invited fascist Barbie to the party." Veronica gives Cheryl a look of irritation.

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