chapter thirty-four

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Chapter 34

Mina Bennett whispered something in Latin before closing her hand in a fist, rendering the vampire doppelganger unconscious. Glancing around, she dropped the invisibility spell that was shielding both her and Klaus from anyone's sight. She didn't need to be careful, speaking that the only people there other than Klaus and herself were her cousin, the doppelganger bitch, and the person in the front obviously scrolling on Twitter. "Hello, cousin. Nice to see you here. Fourteen hours away from New Orleans."

Bonnie gasped, glancing at Elena's asleep frame, and then looked back up at her cousin and Klaus. Instinctively, she slid her hand over her stomach. "I- how did you find me?"

Klaus answered before Mina could, looking down at his watch. Because of their wrecked car, he would have to speed him and Mina to their flights, which leave in less than twenty minutes. For a vampire and a witch, that was more than enough time, but they still needed to get a move on. "Unfortunately, we are not the only ones searching for you. We need to go, now." He said, directing that last sentence at Mina.

Mina nodded, reaching inside the booth, grabbing her cousin's arm, and pulling her from the seat. "Klaus is right. C'mon."

Snatching her hand back, Bonnie backed up. "I'm safe. I'm fine. My cloaking spell is still in place-"

"Why would you cloak yourself in the first place?" Mina asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "One second, our cousins were trying to figure out what's wrong with you and then the next second you're gone... I don't understand."

Klaus stepped forward, placing himself in front of Mina's body. "Bonnie, we are miles from New Orleans, and we've just received confirmation that my mother is hell-bent on destroying my siblings and me. I need to return to them, to ensure that my family fights yet another day."

Bonnie nodded to herself as realization hit her like a bus. Klaus didn't search for her to see if she was alright. He came for her because he needed her help fighting Esther.

Just as Elena did before. "And I'm guessing you need my help?"

"No, Bon," Mina shook her head, realizing what was happening. But they didn't have time to go through this. "We just need to get back where it's safe. Mystic Falls has never been safe for us," Mina took one step closer, placing her hands on Bonnie's shoulders. "We'll figure out this illness together. We-"

"I'm not ill, Mina, I'm pregnant, " Bonnie began, peeking over her cousin's shoulder to lock eyes with the hybrid. "By you, Klaus. As it turns out, being pregnant with a vampire baby can cause some undesirable side effects."

Bonnie watched as too many emotions to count appeared on Klaus's face. At first, she almost let herself sigh, seeing what looked like a glimpse of happiness emerge. But as she watched and his eyes darkened, her own eyes filled with tears. The original took a step back, his mouth not agreeing with his brain on how to respond. "This is impossible," He muttered. "This is not true." 

"I thought the same," Bonnie sighed. She wiped a tear from her cheek that she didn't know had made it out of her eye. "But I've only been with you."

"Okay, guys—"

"Vampires cannot sire children," Klaus growled, finally deciding on an emotion while ending Mina's sentence before she could even start it properly. Anger unlike anything he had felt in months coursed through him. "You... are a liar."

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