Dammit, I got run over by the bus

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-3rd POV-


Slamming the alarm, (Y/n) wakes up, realizing that on top of his dream of winning the Smash tournament not being real, he had to get up and haul his ass to school. Begrudgingly mumbling, he gets up, brushes his teeth, changes into his school outfit, and makes some on-the-go toast to go with his thermos full of coffee.

Speaking of (Y/n),  walking out the door, we see a 5'8 caramel skinned young man with jet black curly hair, looking about 15 with slight eye-bags under his eyes. Walking down the sidewalk, he sees some random person lying down on the dirt road. Walking by, he looks over at the corpse, looks forward, and continues walking. 'Not worth it, too tired.' Continuing to walk towards his bus stop, he sits at the cold metal bench, waiting for the bus. Sitting down, he dozes off, knowing the kind bus driver will just wake him up if he sees him sleep.

As our protagonist goes to sleep once again, the bus approaches as the body from a small bit ago gets run over by said bus, causing it to spiral out of control, sadly running into the bus stop. While no casualties were suffered on the bus, our protagonist was sadly killed in his sleep.

-(Y/n) POV-

Waking up in what seems like a black void, I open my eyes to 2 people standing over me, as a girl with cyan hair and an outfit straight out of a generic RPG is poking my cheek. Standing up and stretching, I finally am fully aware of my situation, as I take in his surroundings, basically ignoring the 2 other people in the void with him.

"Where the hell am I..." muttering, I hear a "Ahem" before turning around and looking at the two from before. Where are my manners I completely ignored these two. C'mon (Y/n) introduce yourself. "Oh, sorry, I didn't notice you two. My name's (Y/n), and do you possibly know where we are?"

The lady with the cyan hair then speaks up. "No need to apologize, mortals are usually disoriented when they first come here. Now, for introductions, my name is Aqua, the goddess of water, this over here is Kazuma." 

Looking over, I greet him with a "Yo." before turning around to Aqua. "Well it's nice to meet both of you. Speaking of which, nice joke about the whole 'goddess of water' thing."

Keeping a straight face she then speaks in the same calm voice. "While I do look human, believe me when I say I am the goddess of water."

Oh great this lady is crazy. Walking towards Kazuma, I whisper "Did she tell you any of this when you got here. Because I think she might be the one who kidnapped us." He then whispers back "Nope, when I asked here what we were doing here, she just said she'll explain after you woke up. Think we can rush her and make her let us go?" I then whisper back "Play along for the moment and wait for any openings. You do the talking. I'm not that good with crazy people."

"Now that you're both done talking, I shall explain why you are both here. Sadly, both of you have died." Kazuma then depressingly turned, as he gave a genuinely sad 'oh'. Summoning 3 chairs, she beckons us to sit down, and we do so. Before she continues, Kazuma speaks up. "Before we continue, is the girl who I pushed OK, or are they dead as well."

While I was confused about what Kazuma said, what was even more confusing is that Aqua then proceeded to summon a book on top of a white bedside table. Maybe she is a goddess after all. after flipping to a specific page, she then begins to speak once more. "She is OK, in fact, the tractor was going to stop before it hit her." Looking just as confused as I am now, Kazuma looks up before saying "Huh", as Aqua taps the ground and it shines to show the events they are currently speaking about in a white circle. Watching a sleep deprived Kazuma push a girl out of the way, and then he freezes in place as the tractor stopped.

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