Episode 3: Who gave the Masochist a Sword?

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-3rd POV-

"Um..." before he can even try to give an answer, Darkness was grabbing Kazuma's wrist. "The slimy lady was apart of your party right? What in the world did that to them" Trying to carefully word what he said next, he had explaine they were eaten by giant frogs. Dramatically gasping, Darkness mutters to herself as Kazuma already wants her to leave. 'Why the hell do all the wierdo's come to our party... I just need one other normal member.' "Wait! As a knight, I cannot over look such horrors befalling two girls of such a tender age!"

Kazuma, still pinned onto the table by his wrist, is starting to slightly panic. "She's setting off the wierdo alarm like crazy, and she has me restrained,  need to hurry and get out of this conversation. "I'd really advise against joining though, our magician can only use her magic once a day, our sword-Mage doen't know any magic, one of our members isn't the most helpful, and I'm extremely low level. You'd be holding yourself bac- OW, OW, OW!" 

Crushing Kazuma's wrist at this point, Darkness just seems even more hell-bent on joining. "That's even better! The truth is, this was difficult to say, while I have confidence in my stamina and strength, I am clumsy... none of my attacks hit their mark." Sighing, Kazuma grabs his wrist. 'I knew something was off, she's just like Aqua and Megumin.' "However, I will still charge to the frontlines and protect my fellow comrades into battle! I shall be your party's willing shield, if you allow me!"

Suddenly getting tugged back Darkness backs up off of Kazuma. "Yo, Kazuma you good? Ma'am, I know you are exited to join the party, but there have been noise complaints, as well as you being too close for comfort". Going back upstairs, Kazuma takes a breath. 'Don't fall for her womanly charms Kazuma, you have to turn her down'. "No, I could never use a woman as a shield." But Darkness still wouldn't give up. "It would be my pleasure." However, Kazuma was still determined to stop her from joining. "I can't allow you to get eaten by monsters for my sake." Somehow enthralling her even more, she almost yells "that would be even more my pleasure!" Giving his signature stare, Kazuma realizes. 'Oh, she's a masochist. That's even more hopeless than Megumin.'

"Man, I was so tired I slept till noon." Opening the door, he sees all the bar patrons looking at Aqua doing party tricks. "Kazuma, you like my brand new skill, I find it fitting for a goddess like myself!" Ignoring Aqua, he decides to sit with (Y/n) and Megumin. "So you can learn skills with the points you get from leveling up right?" Confirming, Megumin explains in more detail. "To laearn a skill, you have to get someone to teach it to you. After, it'll appear as an entry on your card. Using points finishes the entry."

"Does that mean we can learn explosion magic if you teach us Megumin?" Reaching over to (Y/n), Megumin had a look of pure excitement. "That's exactly right! If either of you want to learn explosion magic, I'll teach you as much as I can!" Once again going on a rant about explosion magic, (Y/n) walks over to Aqua. "Hey Aqua, I got a few questions to you. The power that I picked has some magical power linked to it, so why don't I know it, and why isn't it an entry on my card?"

Stopping her party tricks, she puts her fan and rose down, ordering some food. "I only sent you to Iris, she was the one to give you your wish. Talk to her about it. All you have to do is go to her church and pray, she'd probably check in on your progress. She does it with most of the reincarnates here." 

-(Y/n) POV-

Fuck. I would go to the church now, but I have work, so I can't go now. Maybe I can get Megumin to teach me some explosion magic. Waalking back over, I see the crusader from last night sitting next to Kazuma before shouting and hugging herself. Oh hell no, I'm not fucking with this. Good luck Kazuma, you're on your own. Walking back to the waiter desk, I put my head down, hoping the day will pass faster.

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