Episode 1: Axel, The beginning of Adventures

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-3rd POV-

Opening their eyes, they see a medieval-like town, as both males are amazed at what they see. 

"Hey, this really is a different world! I can really learn magic, and go on adventures here from now on! Goodbye, shut-in life! What about you, (Y/n), what are you going to do?"

Turning at (Y/n) all he sees is him trying to comfort Aqua, as he offers a handkerchief to dry her tears. Kazuma, looking at Aqua's antics, rolls his eyes. "Oi, shut up. Don't help her (Y/n), she's just being hysterical. We can't associate with a crazy lady anyways-" Grabbing the collar of his tracksuit, Aqua begins shaking him like a madman, tears flowing from her eyes. As onlookers begin to pay more attention to the trio, (Y/n) has to pry Aqua off Kazuma, Placing her on the ground and handing her the handkerchief from earlier, as he stops Kazuma from falling off the ground from dizziness.

Looking at the onlookers, he apologizes for their behavior, as he grabs both of their heads and leads them into a bar.

"Geez if you hate it that much just go back." Kazuma then sits down as Aqua starts getting into a frenzy again. "The whole reason I'm In trouble is that I can't go back! What am I gonna do? Huh? I can't fight, and I know little to zero about this world! I'm going to die here!"

Finally having enough of the hysterics (Y/n) takes the hilt of his sword and hits both of them over the head with the flat of it. "Considering both of you are acting like 5-year-olds, It seems I havee to take charge. Aqua, you can scream at Kazuma later, you're causing a scene. Kazuma, stop acting like a dickhead and show some sympathy. Now from what I can tell, you know alot about stuff like this, so what do we do next?"

"You can't call me a dickhead when you just ignored my dead body leaning down on the street." Not having any response to Kazuma's arguement, he shut up, as Kazuma got back to business.

"We should go to a guild of some sort. We could not only get some info about the place, but could also try to learn about how to get jobs and money." Surprised at the resourcefulness of Kazuma, Aqua snaps out of her sulking and goes back to being a rude ass "And here I thought you would be useless since you're a shut-in. You're actually pretty reliable."

Getting out of the bar, Kazuma, Aqua and (Y/n) begin to walk. "Speaking of which, (Y/n), what power did you choose?" Giving Kazuma a slight smirk he simply dismisses the question. "I'll show you later when we get to the guild. Speaking of which, goddess Aqua, do you know where the guild is?" Stopping, Aqua finally regains full composure as she speaks normally, the pouting and shock from earlier fully fading away.

"First, you can both call me "Goddess" when we are alone, but please refer to me as Aqua when you can as not to cause a commotion. And as for the guild, I'm a goddess. I would never know about every lowly place like that."

-Kazuma POV-

This girl's useless. Maybe I should of picked something else. Luckily, (Y/n) went back to the tavern to ask for directions, so we're here. If it wasn't for him, we would have been lost. Looking at the adventurer's guild, it sort of reminded me of an old Medieval trade house. Walking through the door, A waitress holding 2 tall glasses o beer greets us. Man, this really is straight out of an RPG. "Welcome! If you're here to eat, please take any open seats. For job guidance, head to the counter inside." 

Muttering a thank you, she leaves as I look around. Jesus, all the dudes are big and buff and all the women who aren't waitresses barely have any clothes on. Skeletons of what looks like dragons are posted all over the roof area. Now where was that-

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