Episode 2: What the hell is up with these recruits!?

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-3rd POV-

Armed with (Y/n)'s Chakram, Kazuma was confident that the group was ready for their first mission. (Y/n) had Let him practice throwing after showing him some basic techniques. Now all he had to do was go wake Aqua and (Y/n). Seems easy right?

Walking upstairs shows (Y/n) and Aqua dead asleep. Realizing he only has time for one, he picks (Y/n) as he is much more combat orientated. At first, he had tried to shake him up, but that ended up failing miserably. Next, he had tried shouting in his ear, but once again fails. Giving up, he sits in the side of (Y/n)'s bed. Unbeknownst to him, (Y/n) sleeps with his sword, and touching (Y/n)'s sword without his permission is one of the worst ideas in existence. Springing out of his bed, he gets into an attacking stance, causing Kazuma to dive off the side of the bed. Realizing nothing was wrong, (Y/n) sheaths his sword, as he picks Kazuma up off the ground. 

"How many times have I told you not to touch my sword without my consent." Staring daggers into Kazuma's soul, he lets him down, as he goes in the bathroom to change. Once out, the 2 of them begin to try and get Aqua awake.

~Timeskip brought to you by Aqua dreaming of a buffet~

"AQUA, HELP ME!" As Kazuma ran away from the Giant Frog chasing him. "Aqua was on the sidelines laughing her ass off as per usual. (Y/n) is occupied with his own problems however, as 3 frogs surround him. Preparing himself, he plants his feet, and thrusts forward, causing the frog to jump back. Now that he has more space to move, he jumps, and swings, causing him to cut the head of the frog.  Right when he lands, a tongue is shot at him, as he sidesteps and chops it in half. Quickly cutting the 2nd toads head before it can recover, he rushes the third, as he stabs its hind leg as to not let it escape, before chopping the 3rd head off.  

Looking over at Kazuma, (Y/n)  hums over Kazuma, before stabbing down, impaling the frogs brain. Getting down, (Y/n) looks over at Kazuma, before sheathing his blade. "What was the first rule I taught you when using the Chakram?" Sighing, Kazuma hands him the weapon back. "Try to sneak around, as it's used for disabling, not killing." Before he could get scolded anymore, Aqua came over and begun to laugh hysterically.

"That was hilarious! You looked so desperate, but it's to be expected from a shut-in meet like you." Fuming, Kazuma hits her over the head, as he is completely done with her shit. "At least I wasn't standing in one place being completely useless! I had crippled 2 frogs, while you were standing still with your head up your ass." It was now (Y/n)'s turn to stifle a laugh, and fail terribly.

Holding on to her head, Aqua began to rant to Kazuma how she wasn't helping because this was below her as she was a goddess. Not paying attention, (Y/n) signaled for Kazuma to ask the farmer right over there to borrow a wagon and 2 horses so they can haul these frogs back.

As Kazuma sprinted to the barn and (Y/n) began skinning and chopping the frog carcasses, Aqua had finally finished her rant. "-And if you hit me ever again I will beat you to a bloody pulp just like I would those frogs." Right as she finished, a tongue had wrapped around her waist, as she screamed before being swallowed whole. 

Groaning, (Y/n) cut its stomach open to reveal a traumatized Aqua. Quickly walking out of the frog, she began hugging (Y/n) while on her knees. "Aqua get the hell off me you smell like shit!" Aqua was not listening, as she just kept screaming thank you. Finally getting fed up, he hit her with the flat of his sword, before dragging her to the cart with Kazuma.

~Timeskip brought to you by (Y/n) at a sword shop~

Back at the guild, we see the 3 party members eating fried frog, as (Y/n) is sharpening his Chakram. "We can't take them alone, so I say we get more allies." Slamming her fist into the desk, Aqua goes back to eating her fried frog. "We got 5,000 zeros for each frog, so without (Y/n), we would have got paid the same as our regular job. Luckily we got 5, so we split 25,000 Eris. Even if we did need allies, we're a beginner party, and only one of our members has equipment, who would want to join us?" Finishing off her frog leg, Aqua takes a huge swig of ale. "You're forgetting I'm an arch priest, and (Y/n) is a sword mage. We're advanced classes, who wouldn't want to join us!In fact If I were to-"

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