chapter 5 (Chronos)

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(present time 1500 B.C.)

Athena's smile turns into a frown and her friendly expression turns into a serious one. "Right, your search."

I nod at her. "Drink?" I ask getting up from the stool and walking to the cupboards searching for glasses.

"Sure, just some nectar. The glasses are in the kitchen cabinet above the stove. Drinks are in the fridge and nectar is in the pantry next to the fridge." She says pointing to the things I need.

I take out two glasses from the kitchen cabinet and grab some nectar filling one glass before handing it to Athena who's sitting at the kitchen island. I then go to the fridge to look for something to drink. Surprisingly I find some lemonade in there. I fill my glass and go sit back opposite Athena on the bar stool.

"I actually have a question in my mind that I can't ignore since a few minutes ago" I ask frowning.

"What is it?" she raises her eyebrow questioningly.

"Why do you have a kitchen when you don't eat real human food? I mean, you eat and drink nectar and ambrosia but you don't need a kitchen for that...." I ask curiously.

"True, we don't necessarily need a kitchen. But Hestia likes to cook from time to time. With that said, you should really taste her cooking, it's amazing." Athena smiles while taking a sip of nectar.

That makes me feel better knowing that this kitchen hasn't just been placed here for me. I already feel like a burden enough and this would only make that worse.

"I'm sure I will." I smile back at her drinking some lemonade.

"You'll meet her soon. She likes to hang out with Demeter in the farming fields or you can find her here a lot to. And in the living room by the fireplace." She explains.

"I only hope I won't meet her in the same way as I did with Ares this morning." I heave a sigh of slight frustration.

Athena frowns at me. "What happened?"

"We didn't start off to well. He got angry at me for being late and I was a little rude to him at first because he woke me up, and I hate being woken up..." I chatter.

I still remember the face he made when I rudely asked what he was doing there. And at that moment I didn't find it funny but thinking back, it was kind of funny.

"That doesn't surprise me. There's not a lot necessary to thick him off. Besides he must have been in a bad mood before coming to wake you up. But you don't have to be scared to end up in a situation like that with Hestia. She's the nicest goddess you'll ever meet." Athena tries to reassure me.

"I don't doubt that." I say.

"Why?" She gives me a curious look.

"In my time the Gods are myths and legends. But there are stories about you. I just don't know if they are true. Some say It's all made up while others say it's real." I take another gulp of lemonade.

"And what do you believe?" She on her turn drinks some nectar.

"I think some things might be made up. But I have always believed some things are true." I say.

"That's not a bad way of reasoning or thinking." Athena says looking thoughtful.

I personally don't know a lot about the gods but I do believe I have read some things about them. I may not have my memories but I'm almost certain I did. How else would I know there names just by their looks or acts?

I smile at her answer. I may only know her for a day but I think I like her. She has been nothing but nice to me, even when I wasn't. And she seems like a reasonable judge, which I admire about her.

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